i. reading and writing; ~ öyrənmək to learn* to read and write; ~ ilə məşğul olmaq to be* engaged in reading and writing, to devote oneself to reading
f. to read* and write, to be* busy with / in reading and writing
f. to create, to be* busy with creative activities
I. i. writer; author; böyük ~ a great writer; ~ olmaq to be* a writer; sevimli ~ favourite writer II
I. i. the profession of a writer II. s.: ~ istedadlı talent for writing
I. i. poor fellow / boy / thing; (yaşlı kişi) poor devil; (qız) poor girl; (qadın) poor woman* II. s
z. bitterly, pitifully; ~ ağlamaq to cry / to weep bitterly; ~ baxmaq to look pitifully
z. imploringly; humbly
i. bax yazıq I
f. to break* of the habit (of); to cause to leave a long-occupied place
f. to become* pitiful / miserable
i. 1. pity, compassion; 2. helplessness, humbleness
I. s. written; writing; ~ imtahan written examination; ~ rəy written testimonial; ~ vəkalət written reference; ~ formada in written form, in writing I
i. 1. method of writing, way of writing (of a letter of the alphabet); 2. spelling; sözün ~ı spelling of a word; sözün amerikan ~ı American spelling o
f. 1. to be* written; to be* spelled; 2. to join (d.), to register one’s name; dərnəyə ~ to join a circle; kitabxanaya ~ to join a library; həkimə ~ t
s. (i.s.) having no written language; ~ xalqlar peoples having no written language
i. the state of having no written language
fi. correspondence, exchange of letters; ~ aparmaq to be* in correspondence (with)
f. to correspond (with), to keep* up a correspondence (with), to be* in correspondence (with); to write* letters to each other
f. 1. to pass the spring in a place; 2. to become* / to get* warmer
s. spring (attr.); (i.s.) suitable for spring; ~ əkin spring sowing; ~ buğda spring wheat; ~ geyim spring clothing; clothing suitable for spring
f. 1. to write* (d.); qələmlə ~ to write* with a pen; mürəkkəblə ~ to write* in ink; karandaşla ~ to write* in pencil; xırda ~ to write* small; iri ~
sy. seven: ~ il seven years; ~ yüz seven hundred
s. (i.s.) for seven; ~ nahar dinner for seven
s. 1. (i.s.) of seven months; sevenmonth (attr.); 2. (yaş haq.) seven-monthold; (i.s.) of seven; ~ uşaq seven-month-old child; a child of seven months
i. riyaz. heptagon, septangle
s. heptagonal, septangular
sy. just / only seven
s. 1. seven-day (attr.); ~ istirahət seven-day rest; 2. (yaş haq.) sevenday-old; ~ uşaq seven-day-old baby
s. seven-year; (i.s.) of seven years; ~ məktəb seven-year school
s. sevenfold, septuple
i. 1. (rəqəm) seven; 2. (kart oyununda) seven; ~ ürək the seven of hearts; ~ kozır the seven of trumps
s. seven-metre; (i.s.) of seven metres
s. seven-storey (attr.), sevenstoreyed; ~ bina seven-storey building
s. bax yeddimərtəbə
sy. seventh; ~ sinif the seventh form; ~ gün the seventh day; ◊ göyün ~ qatında olmaq to be* in the seventh heaven
s. bax yeddiadamlıq
s. seven-colour
s. bax yeddirəng
s. seven-hour; (i.s.) of seven hours; ~ iş seven-hour work, work of seven hours
s. seven-stringed
i. (at və s. üçün) halter; (nəqliyyat vasitələri üçün) tow(ing)-line, tow(ing)-rope; yedəyə almaq / götürmək to take* in tow (d
i. 1. (at və s. üçün) a man* who leads a (spare) horse; 2. (digər nəqliyyat vasitələri üçün) a man* who tows a boat / a car, etc
f. 1. (atı və s.) to lead* (d.); atı ~ to lead* a horse; 2. (digər nəqliyyat vasitələrini) to tow (d
f. 1. (at və s.) to be* led; 2. (digər nəqliyyat vasitələri) to be* towed, to be* taken in tow
f. 1. (atı və s.) to ask / to cause smb. to lead (d.); 2. (digər nəqliyyat vasitələrini) to ask / to cause smb
s. (i.s.) 1. (at və s.) with a halter, (i.s.) having a halter; 2. (digər nəqliyyat vasitələri) (i.s.) with a tow, (i
s. 1. (at və s.) halterless; 2. (digər nəqliyyat vasitələri) towless; (i.s.) without tow
f. to feed* and to give* to drink (d.), to feed* (d.)
f. bax yedizdirilmək