i. bax uşaqsevənlik
z. like a child, childly, baby-like; ~ danışmaq to speak* as a child; ~ hərəkət etmək to act like a child*
i. bax uşaqcıq
i. small child*; poor child*
i. child-bearing
f. to be* childish, to behave like a child*, to play the baby
f. 1. to be* in one’s second childhood, to become* a dotard, to be* in one’s dotrage, to sink* into dotage; 2
s. (i.s.) having a child*, (i.s.) with a child*, childed; ~ qadın a woman* with a child
s. children and grown-ups, both children and grown-ups
I. i. 1. (uşaqlıq illəri) childhood; ~da in one’s childhood; 2. məc. childness, infancy; ~ etmək to be* childish, to act like a child; to play the bab
z. from childhood, from / ever since one’s childhood, since one was a child; Mən onu uşaqlığımdan tanıyıram I’ve known him / her since my childhood
s. bax uşaqsevən
i. 1. abortion; 2. (uşaqsalma) miscarriage
i. bax uşaqsaldırma
s. child-loving; ~ ata a child-loving father
i. love of child
s. childless; ~ qadın a childless woman*
i. childlessness
z. diffidently, modestly; bashfully, shyly, timidly; ~ danışmaq to speak* timidly / shyly
s. shy, timid, (həyalı) modest; bashful, diffident
i. shyness, timidity, modesty, diffidence
f. to shame (d.), to put* to shame (d.), to make* ashamed (of) (d.); to confuse (d.), to put* out of countenance (d
f. to be* ashamed (of,+to inf.), to feel* shy (of); Utanıb-qızarın You ought to be ashamed of yourself; bir kəsin qarşısında ~ to feel* shy before smb
z. (sərbəst) freely; boldly; (çəkinmədən) without ceremony; impudently, (sırtıqcasına) insolently; bir şeyi ~ etmək to do* smth
f. to be* ashamed (of), to be* ashamed (+to inf.), to be* confused, to be* embarrassed, to be* put out of countenance, (sıxılmaq) to feel* shy, to be*
s. shameless; impudent, impertinent, (sırtıq) insolent; (həm də adam haq.) unblushing; (həyasız) cheeky; (ikiüzlü) cynical; ~ yalançı brazen-faced / u
z. shamelessly, impudently, boldly, cynically
z. impudently, insolently, cynically, shamelessly
i. shamelessness; impudence, insolence, impertinence; cynicism
s. Utopian; ~ sosializm Utopian socialism; ~ sosialist Utopian socialist; ~ xəyalpərəst Utopian dreamer
i. Utopian
i. Utopia
i. Utopianism, Utopism
i. mus. overture
s. bax uyarlı
s. comfortable (to); proper, appropriate, suitable; (xüsusən rənginə və xarici görkəminə görə) matching, matchable, well-matched; iş üçün ~ suitable f
i. matching; suitability
I. s. matchless; ill-matched; unfitting, unfitted; improper; unsuitable; ~ söz improper / unfitted word; incompatible; ~ rənglər incongruous / incompa
i. the state or quality of being matchless / unfitted / unsuitable
I. i. invention; fiction; figment, device; (yalan) fib; poez. imagination, fancy; Bunun hamısı uydurmadır It is an old wives’ tales II
i. fabrication, concoction
i. d.d. inventor, story-teller; inventive soul; (yalançı) liar; fibber
f. (ixtira etmək) to invent (d.), to make* up (d.); to tell* stories; to concoct (d.), (yalan, iftira) to fabricate (d
f. to be* invented; to be* concocted, to be* fabricated; to be* made up, to be* fibbed
I. s. 1. (ölçü) fitting; (xüsusən rənginə və xarici görünüşünə görə) matching, matchable; agreeable; suitable, proper, appropriate; harmonious; ~ söz
f. to be* co-ordinated, to be* agreed; to be* fitted, to be* adapted
f. to combine (d. with); to co-ordinate (d. with); to fit (d. to), to adapt (d. to), to accommodate (d
fi. adaptation, accommodation; (mühitə) acclimatization
f. 1. to adjust / to adapt / to accommodate oneself (to); to be* tied / adapted; to harmonize (with), to go* (with); to conform (to); (rəng, əşya haq