f. bax umsundurmaq
i. offence, resentment; (şikayət) complaint; bərk ~ deep mortification; ~ saxlamaq to nurse / to bear* a grudge; bir kəsdən ~ saxlamaq to harbour / to
I. i. flour; (iri üyüdülmüş) meal; buğda ~u flour; kartof ~u potato flour, potatostarch; vələmir ~u rye flour; ~ səpmək to flour; ~a döndərmək to flou
i. unification
i. department store, general stores pl
I. s. universal; (dəzgah haq.) general-purpose; ~ təhsil many-sided / liberal education; amer. universal education; ~ dərman universal remedy; ~ mağaz
i. universality
I. i. university; ~ də oxumaq to study at the university II. s. university; ~ məzunu university graduate; ~ təhsili university education
f. to flour (d.); to meal (d.)
f. to ask / to cause smb. to flour / to meal (d.), to make* smb. to flour (d.)
s. flour, floury; floured; Onun üstbaşı tamam unludur He / She is covered with flour
s. forgettable; lost; neglected
f. to be* forgotten; (yaddan çıxmaq) to be* left behind; to fall* / to sink* into oblivion
s. unforgettable; never to be* forgotten; memorable; indelible; ~ dost unforgettable friend; ~ günlər memorable / unforgettable days; ~ təəssürat inde
fs. 1. forgotten; 2. neglected; 3. lost; ~ şeylər lost property sing., lost things; ~ adam a forgotten man*
f. to cause / to force smb. to forget (d.); to cause / to force smb. to neglect (d.)
s. forgetful; (laqeyd) neglectful; oblivious; (huşsuz) absent-minded; ~ qoca a forgetful old man*, an absent-minded old man*
i. forgetfulness, obliviousness; (huşsuzluq) absent-mindedness
f. 1. to forget* (d.); (laqeydlik göstərmək) to neglect (d.); (yaddan çıxarmaq) to leave* behind (d.); bir işi görməyi ~ to neglect to do / doing smth
s. very / too long, longest
Ural-Altay I. i. Ural-Altai II. s. Ural-Altaic; ~ dilləri Ural-Altaic languages
i. kim. uranium
i. uranography
i. urbanization
i. tib. ur(in)ological
s. ur(in)ological
i. ur(in)ologist
i. respect, esteem
s. respected, esteemed, worthy of respect; ~ olmaq to be* respected; O, urvatlı qadındır She is a woman worthy of respect
i. respectfulness, estimation
s. unrespected, disrespectful; ~ etmək not to respect (d.); to disgrace (d.), to put* to shame (d.)
s. (gözləməkdən və s.) wearisome, tedious; (əzabverici) agonizing, painful; bothering, irksome; monotonous, pestersome; ~ gözləmə wearisome / tiresome
i. painfulness, weariness; tiresomeness; (bezikdiricilik) importunity
f. to pester (d. with), to bother (d. with), to bore (d. with); to worry (d. with); (bezikdirmək) to plague (d
f. to get* bored, to be* / to feel* annoyed (with), to be* pestered (with), to worry (about, over)
s. untiring, tireless; (yorulmaz) indefatigable, active
I. i. 1. (sənətkar) master; d.d. pastmaster; (sex və s.) foreman*; 2. expert; master; idman ~sı master of sport(s); silah ~sı gunsmith, armourer; sati
z. bax ustalıqla
I. i. 1. teacher; master; maestro; 2. virtuoso II. s. masterly, venerable; ~ müəllim venerable teacher
i. virtuosity, mastership, mastery, craftsmanship
i. masterpiece in literature
f. to get* skilled (at+ger.); to get* the hand (of+ger.); to become* a master, to become* good (at+ger
i. mastery, mastership, skill, proficiency, craftsmanship; əl ustalığı d.d. sleight of hand
z. skillfully; in (a) masterly fashion; böyük ~ very skillfully; imkandan ~ istifadə etmək to make* the best use of the opportunities
z. bax ustubca
z. (yavaşcadan) quietly, softly, gently; faintly; silently; slowly; ~ danışmaq to speak* in a low voice, to speak* in low / hushed tones; qapını ~ döy
I. i. child*, (körpə) baby; infant; small child*; d.d. kiddy; ~lar children; (balalar) kids, little ones, babies; (oğlanlar) lads, boys; oğlan uşağı b
i. kiddies pl., little ones; ~ işi child’s play
s. bax uşaqsevən