i. bax yağışölçən
s. rainless, dry; (i.s.) without rain; ~ yay rainless / dry summer
i. dry spell; dry weather
i. tex. probe
i. butter seller; oil seller
s. butterless, (i.s.) without butter; oilless, (i.s.) without oil; fatless, (i.s.) without fat; d.d. lean; ~ ət lean meat
I. f. bax yağsızlaşmaq II. f. to get* / to become* fatless; to have* no butter / oil; to become* / to get* lean
nid. My God! Goodness gracious! Goodness me!
i. collar; (kişi köynəyində) neckband; ~sını açmaq (düyməsini) to unbutton (d.); (qarmaqdan) to unhook (d
I. f. 1. to collar (d.), to take* by the scruff of the neck (d.); küçədə ~ to collar in the street; 2
I. f. 1. to be* caught / overtaken; Quldurlar yaxalandı Robbers were caught / overtaken; 2. to be* collared II
f. to seize each other by the collar; to start / to join hand-to-hand fight(ing)
I. f. bax yaxalatmaq I II. bax yaxalatmaq II
I. f. 1. to ask / to cause smb. to collar (d.); 2. to ask / to cause smb. to catch (d.) by the collar II
s. (i.s.) with a collar, (i.s.) having a collar; ~ köynək a shirt with / having a collar
i. 1. collar; köynəyin yaxalığı the collar of a shirt; 2. (uşaq üçün) bib; (qoşquda) breast collar; 3
i. slops
f.: yalvarıb- ~ to beg (d.+to inf.), to implore (d.+to inf.), to entreat (d.+to inf.)
s. 1. unfastened; unbuttoned; ~ köynək unfastened shirt; 2. low neck; ~ don decollete dress, low-necked dress
s. collarless; (i.s.) without a collar
i. box
f. to ask / to cause smb. to spread (on); yağ ~ to ask / to cause smb. to spread butter (on)
f. bax yaxdırmaq
i. putty; ~ ilə doldurmaq to fill up with putty
f. bax yandırıb-yaxmaq
f. to be* spread on
I. s. 1. near; ~ qohum near relation; ~ gələcəkdə in the near future; ~ məsafədə at a short distance, a short way off; 2
s. near, near and far, near and distant; ~ ölkələr near and far countries; ~ qohumlar near and distant relations / relatives
z. 1. near at hand, hereabout(s), close by; near here; next door; ~ yaşamaq to live near at hand / hereabout / next door / close by; 2
s. 1. near, nearby, neighbouring; ~ şəhər nearby town; ~ ev neighbouring house; 2. coming, forthcoming; ~ seçkilər forthcoming elections; 3
z. closely, at a short distance; (şəkil çəkmək, güllə atmaq) at short range; ~ güllə atmaq to shoot* at short range; ~ baxmaq to look at a short dista
I. i. near-sighted / short-sighted man* II. s. near-sighted, short-sighted
i. tib. myopia
qoş. nearby, close by; şəhərin ~ nearby the town
z. bax yaxında (2-ci və 3-cü mənalarda)
f. 1. to draw* nearer (d.), to bring* nearer / closer (d.); kitabı gözünə ~ to bring* the book nearer / closer to one’s eyes; sənayeni xammal mənbəyin
f. to approach, to draw* / to come* nearer (to); near; şəhərə ~ to approach the town; Biz şəhərə yaxınlaşırdıq We were approaching the town; Gəmi sahi
qoş. near, not far from; məktəbin ~ near the school, not far from the school
i. 1. (məsafə) nearness, closeness; proximity; xammal mənbəyinə ~ proximity to the sources of raw materials; bilavasitə ~ immediate proximity (to); 2
z. next (to), next door, close by; ~ yaşamaq to live close by / next door; Mən yaxınlıqda yaşayıram I live next door / close by
z. not far of, near at hand, hereabout
f. to spread* roughly and quickly (on, d.), to smear (d. with)
I. i. bread and butter, open sandwich (with butter) II. fs. spreading, smearing
i. bread and butter, bread spread with butter
I. f. to spread* (on d.), to smear (d. with); çörəyə yağ ~ to spread* bread with butter; maz ~ to apply an ointment (to); dodağını ~ to put* lipstick
I. i. good* ~nı yamandan ayırmaq to distinguish good from evil II. s. good* fine; ~ adam a good man*; ~ hava good / fine weather; ~ məsləhət good advi
z. bax yaxşı-yaman
z. thoroughly, properly, perfectly; well and truly; ~ oxumaq to read* (d.) thoroughly / perfectly (d
z. d.d. at the very least; the very smallest; ~ yaşamaq to live at the very least
I. s. pretty, nice; ~ qız a pretty girl; ~ otaq a nice room II. z. bax yaxşı-yaxşı