f. bax fənərlətmək
f. to ask / to cause s.o. to give a black eye (to d.)
i. 1. (tədris olunan) subject; 2. (elm sahəsi) discipline, branch of science
i. departure; parting, separation
i. flight; escape; ~ etmək to take* (to) flight; to desert; to escape
i. deserter; fugitive, runaway; ~ olmaq: 1) to be* a deserter; 2) to be* a fugitive / a runaway
i. desertion; ~ etmək to take* (to) fight; to be* a runaway
i. sagacity, persicacity, insight, shrewdness; aptitude for quick understanding / learning, etc., mental faculty; ability, skill
s. sagacious, perspicacious, shrewd; apt to understand / to learn, etc.; quick of apprehension, apprehensive, quick-witted; able, skilful
i. sagaciousness, perspicacity; quality of being apt to understand / to apprehend / to learn, etc
s. (küt) muddle-headed, obtuse, stupid, irrational; (əfəl) clumsy; (bacarıqsız) unable, unskilful
i. (kütlük) muddle-headedness, stupidity, obtuseness
i. individual, personality
s. private, individual; ~ xüsusiyyət private property; ~ təsərrüfat individual farm / holding
fi. being individualized
f. to be * / to become* individualized
fi. individualization
f. to individualize (d.)
fi. becoming individualized
f. to get* / to become* individualized
i. individuality
i. bax fərdilik
I. i. individualist II. s. individualistic
i. individualism
i. pullet
i. joy, gladness, rejoicing; delight; ~(in)dən ağlamaq to cry / to weep* with / for joy; Ürək fərəhlə doludur The heart fills with joy
z. joyfully; rejoicingly
s. rejoicing, gratifying, gladdening; ~ vəziyyət gratifying circumstance
f. to be* joyed / rejoiced / gladdened
f. to joy (d.), to rejoice (d.), to gladden (d.), to make* glad / happy (d.); Oğlanın müvəffəqiyyəti anasını(n qəlbini) fərəhləndirdi The boy’s succes
f. to joy, to rejoice; to be* glad; bir şeyə ~ to rejoice at smth; to be* glad for smth
s. joyful; joyous; rejoicing, gratifying; delightful; ~ günlər joyful days; ~ vəziyyət gratifying circumstance
s. joyless; unhappy; sad, grievous; ~ günlər joyless days; ~ vəziyyət unhappy circumstance
i. joylessness, unhappiness, cheerlessness, sadness, grievousness
i. difference; distinction; disparity; riyaz. difference; böyük ~ a great difference (between); orta ~ mean difference; kiçik ~ a small difference; az
s. distinguishing; differentiating; ~ xüsusiyyət distinguishing / differentiating feature
f. to be* distinguished; to be* differentiated
fi. distinguishing; differentiation; ~ nişanları badges of rank
f. to distinguish (d. from); to differentiate (d.), to tell (d.), to differentiate between; (müəyyən xüsusiyyətə, əlamətə görə) to difference (d
fi. differing; distinction; ~ diplomu honours diploma; Əməkdə fərqlənməyə görə medal Medal for Distinction in Labour
f. 1. to differ (from); Onlar birbirinə oxşayırlar, amma zövqləri fərqlənir They look like each other, but their tastes differ; İngilis dili ərəb dili
I. s. (oxşar olmayan) different (from), unlike; Bu, əvvəlkindən tamam fərqlidir This is quite different from the former; (fərqlənən) distinctive; kita
i. differentness; the state of being different / unlike / distinctive
s. (i.s.) without a difference; (i.s.) without a distinction
i. lack of difference / distinction
I. s. 1. (yaxşı) good; worthy, right; ~ adama a worthy man; ~ iş adamı a right man for the job; 2. (faydalı) useful; (münasib, yararlı) proper, suitab
I. s. bax fərli I II. z. bax fərli II
i. 1. decree, edict, rescript; 2. order, command; ~ vermək to issue a decree / an edict
I. i. butterfingers pl., good-for-nothing II. s. (pis) bad, ill, evil, poor; (yararsız) worthless, useless, good-for-nothing; (bacarıqsız, qabiliyyəts
i. (yararsızlıq) uselessness, unfitness, (əfəllik) clumsiness; (bacarıqsızlıq, qabiliyyətsizlik) incapableness, incapability, unskilfulness