bağ. because, as, since, for; Uşaqlar meşəyə gedə bilmədilər, çunki yağış yağırdı The children could not go to the forest because / as / for it was ra
s. rotten, putrid; (diş haq.) decayed; elm. carious
I. i. bore, nuisance, smal-minded man II. s. borthersome; small-minded, bor ing, irksome
i. meanness, pettiness, pedantry
i. putrefaction, putridity
f. 1. to rot, to decompose; (diş) to decay, to become* carious; 2. (süd) to curdle; (qan) to coagulate
i. humus, rotten stuff, rot
i. rottenness; putridity
f. to rot (d.), to let* rot (d.) ◊ haqq-hesabı ~ 1) settle accounts (with), to reckon (with); to settle up; 2) (qisas almaq) to get* even (with), to t
D, d the 5th letter of the Azerbaijani alphabet
əd. 1. also, (cümlənin sonunda) too, (inkar cümlələrdə) either; O da gedəcək He / She will also go, He / She will go too; Onlar da getməyəcəklər They
i. tannery; ◊ ~da gönünü tanımaq to know* (d.) thoroughly / deeply
i. bayt. foot-and-mouth disease; ~ olmaq to fall* / to get* ill with footand-mouth disease, to be* taken ill with foot-and-mouth disease
s. bayt. (i.s.) (fallen) ill with footand-mouth disease; ~ heyvan cattle (fallen) ill with foot-and-mouth disease
i. heel; hündür ~ ayaqqabı highheeled shoes; alçaq ~ ayaqqabı lowheeled shoes; ◊ ~ almaq to run* away, to go* away; təpədən ~a qədər from head to foot
z.:~ zidd diametrically opposite
i. heel-tap
i. (smth.) suitable for heel-tap
i. zool. crucian (carp)
z. bax dabanbasma
z. immediately, at once, in no time; bir kəslə ~ getmək to follow hard on smb.’s heel; bir kəsin dalınca ~ gəzmək to dog smb
i. little / small heel
i. (ayaqqabıda) counter, back
i. pumic (-stone)
I. məc. d.d. sloven; scruff; (qadın) slatter II. s. məc. slovenly, sloppy
s. bax qaradaban
z. immediately, at once, in no time; ~ geri qayıtmaq to come* back immediately / at once, to return immediately / at once
s. (i.s.) with heel; (i.s.) having heel; hündür ~ high-heeled; (i.s.) with highheel, (i.s.) having high heel; hündür ~ ayaqqabı high-heeled shoes, sho
i. 1. some material for / suitable for heel; 2. tex. step-bearing
s. heelless (i.s.) without heel, (i.s.) having no heel
z. bax dabanıüstə
I. i. currier, tanner, leather-dresser; fur-dresser II. s. tanning; leather-dressing; ~ sənayesi tanning industry
i. the profession of a leatherdresser / currier
I. i. taste; ~ına baxmaq to taste (d.), to test the taste (of), to have* a taste (of); şorbanın ~ına baxmaq to taste the soup, to have* the taste of t
i. complaint; cry for help / aid; ~ etmək to complain bitterly, to cry for help; Dad-aman əlindən! My god! Goodness me!
i.: ~ etmək to ask for help / assistance, to cry for mercy; to complain bitterly; Ey dad-bidad! Dear me! Dear!
i. bax dad I
i. (loud) cry, moan, yell, scream; ~ etmək to yell, to cry loudly
i. shout, yell, scream, cry; ~ salmaq to cry, to give* a cry, to shout, to call for help / assistance
s. (especially of animals) (i.s.) falling into the habit of going somewhere to eat; getting into the habit of doing the same action
s. bax dadamal
f. 1. to cause smb. to get / to fall into the habit (of+ger.); 2. to entice (d.+to inf.) (away), to persuade someone to do a wrong action
f. to fall* into the habit of doing some action, to give* oneself up to smth.; to make* a habit of going / coming somewhere
i. taste sensation
f. to ask / to cause smb. to taste (d.)
i. taster
f. to turn / to become* rancid, to taste or smell unpleasant
f. to be* tasted*
i.: bir ~ a bit (of smth.) for tasting, taste; bir ~ şorba a taste of soup
f. to be* tasted; to ask / to cause smb. to taste (d.)