f. to be* fertilized
f. bax gübrələtmək
f. to cause / to ask smb. to fertilize (d.)
i. 1. strength, force; tam ~ü ilə full of strength / energy; bütün ~ü ilə with all one’s strength / might; var ~ü ilə qışqırmaq to cry at the top of o
i. prostration, mental and physical exhaustion
f. to exert oneself; to make* an effort, to strain oneself
z. hardly; by force; ~ almaq to take* by force; ~ yerimək to be* hardly able to walk; ~ yemək to force oneself to eat; ~ danışmaq to be* hardly able t
s. 1. intensifier; 2. el. rad. amplifier
fi. 1. intensification; 2. el. rad. amplification
f. to strengthen (d.), to reinforce (d.); to intensify (d.); (səsi, cərəyanı) to amplify (d.); müşahidəni ~ to double the watch (for, over); qidanı ~
f. to become* stronger; to gain strength; (səs) to grow* louder; (hiss) to deepen; (ictimai hərəkat) to gather momentum; Külək güclənir The wind is be
s. 1. (müxt. mənalarda) strong; ~ oğlan a strong boy; ~ (kəskin) iy strong smell; 2. (motor və s.) powerful; ~ motor a powerful engine; ~ ölkə a power
i. 1. power; powerfulness; 2. tex. capacity
i. dynamometer
s. weak, feeble; məc. powerless; helpless; ~ uşaq weak / feeble child
i. weakness, feebleness; powerlessness
i. sacrifice; ~a vermək to sacrifice (d.), to make* a sacrifice (to); ~a getmək to fall* a prey (to) / a victim (to)
f. 1. (arxasınca göz qoymaq) to spy (on, upon) (d.); to shadow (d.); to follow (d.); (müşahidə etmək) to be* on the watch (for), to lie* in wait (for)
i. shadowing; watch
i. a spy; a watchman
I. i. 1. rose; qızıl ~ red rose; ağ ~ white rose; sarı ~ yellow rose; Tikansız gül olmaz at. söz. No rose without a thorn 2
i. rose water; ~ çəkmək to distil rose water
i. rose-lover, one who is fond of flowers; ~ olmaq to be* fond of rose / flower
i. 1. (gülsatan) flower-seller; 2. (güləkən) flower-grower, floriculturist
I. i. floriculture; flower-growing II. s. floricultural
i. bax gülqabı
f. to make* (d.) laugh, to set* (d.) laughing
s. laughable, ridiculous
z. laughing; merrily, gaily
i. gold thread, silver thread
s. bax gülərüzlü
s. affable, cheerful, smiling, joyous; friendly; affectionate, tender, sweet; ~ uşaq an affectionate child
i. affability; cheerfulness
i. id. wrestling; klassik ~ Greco-Roman wrestling; sərbəst ~ free-style wrestling; ~ üzrə yarış contest in wrestling
i. wrestler; sərbəst ~ free-style wrestler
f. to cause (d.) / to ask(d.) smb. to wrestle
f. bax güləşdirmək
f. to wrestle; priz üçün ~ to wrestle for a prize; ayaq üstə ~ to wrestle in standing
I. i. 1. (oğlan) merry fellow; (qadın) jolly / merry woman*; (qız) jolly / merry girl; 2. zool. (quş) golden-eye II
i. flower bowl, flower vase
i. bullet; ~ qayırmaq to mould bullets; ~ atmaq to shoot* (at), to fire (at); ~ yağdırmaq to fire (at) intensively; ~yə basmaq / tutmaq to fire (at) i
i. a hurricane of fire; ~ etmək to fire (at) intensively, to shoot* down (d.)
fi. 1. (hərəkət) shooting down; 2. (cəza) shooting; execution
f. 1. to shoot* (d.); to execute by shooting; to shoot* (down) (d.); 2. (özünü) to commit suicide
fi. (military) execution, shooting; ~yə məhkum edilmək to be* sentenced to be* shot; ~yə məhkum etmək to sentence to be shot (d
f. to be* shot; to be* executed by shooting
f. bax güllələtmək
f. to ask / to cause (d.) smb. to shoot / to execute (d.) by shooting
f. to break* out into blossom, to be* in blossom
s. 1. blank; ~ patron blank cartridge; ~ atəş blank shot; 2. (doldurulmamış) unloaded