i. owner, proprietor, man of property; (qadın) proprietress; (torpaq sahibi) landowner
i. the state of being owner / proprietor
I, ı the thirteenth letter of the Azerbaijani alphabet which is not used at the beginning of words. Accordingly there are no word in the Azerbaijani l
İ, i the 14th letter of the Azerbaijani alphabet
i. endowment, donation; ~ vermək to endow, to donate, to make* a donation (to)
i. donor, endower
I. i. nourishment, nutrition; catering; ictimai ~ public catering II. s.: ~ müəssisələri (public) catering establishments
i. caterer
i. divine service, praying; ~ etmək to pray (to), to offer prayers (to); ~ə getmək to go* on (a) pilgrimage
i. pilgrim
i. pilgrimage
i. temple, meeting-house, chapel
i. bax ibadətgah
i. dilç. phrase; boş ~ mere phrases / words
i. phrase-monger
i. mere verbiage, phrase-mongering
i. bax ibarəbaz
i. bax ibarəbazlıq
I. s. fanciful, pretentious, mannered, affected II. z. pretentiously, affectedly; ~ danışmaq to speak* in pretentious language / pretentiously
i. pretentiousness, fancifulness
s. consisting (of); beş nəfərdən ~ komissiya committee consisting of five men (people); ~ olmaq to consist (of)
i. 1. devil; satan, deuce; 2. məc. knave, swandler; (zarafat) sly-boots; (bic) d.d. rogue; ~ kimi devilish
z. devilishly, like / as a devil
f. 1. to become* a devil / satan; 2. məc. to become* knave / rogue
i. devilishness; insidousness, perfidy, perfidiousness; ~ etmək to act devilishly / like a devil
I. i. lesson; ~ götürmək to study (for) a will; to do* a bit of studying; Qoy bu sizə ibrət olsun Let it be a lesson for you II
s. instructive, edifying; ~ kitab edifying book
f. to teach* (d.), to give* a lesson (to)
f. to learn* a lesson (from); to draw* a conclusion, to arrive at a conclusion
i. beginning, outset, start
z. at the (very) beginning
z. from the (very) outset, from (the) beginning, from the start
s. 1. primary, elementary; ~ məktəb primary / elementary school; ~ təhsil primary education; ~ bilik elementary knowledge; 2
s.: ~ quruluşu primitive communal system
i. primitiveness, primitive state (of things)
s. (i.s.) without beginning / outset
I. i. lease; ~ yə götürmək to lease (d.), to take* on lease (d.); to rent (d.); ~ yə vermək to lease (d
i. leaseholder, tenant, lessee
i. tenancy
i. bax icarəçi
i. bax icarəçilik
i. permission, permit; ~ vermək 1) to allow (d.+to inf.), to permit (i.+to inf.); to give* permission; bir kəsə getməyə ~ vermək to allow / to permit
s. (i.s.) with permission (of), permitted
z. without permission; ~ danışmaq to speak* without permission
I. i. compulsion, constraint II. s. dilç. causative; felin ~ növü causative (mood of the verb)
s. compulsory, forced, obligatory; ~ təhsil compulsory education; ~ əmək forced labour; ~ davamiyyət obligatory attendance
i. compulsion, obligation
i. 1. meeting; gathering; ümumi ~ general meeting; ~ı açmaq to open the meeting, to declare the meeting open; ~ı bağlamaq to close the meeting; 2
i. meeting-lover
i. liking for meeting