f. to bark (all together)
i. şair. beauty, charm, fascination
i. calligraphy
i. condolence
z. sadly, sorrowfully; bir kəsə ~ başsağlığı vermək to offer / express smb. one’s condolences, to present one’s condolences to smb
s. mournful, doleful, grievous
X, x the 12th letter of the Azerbaijani alphabet
i. eunuck
I. i. (müxt. mənalarda) cross; ~ qoymaq (imza əvəzinə) to make* one’s cross, to sign with a cross; Beynəlxalq Qırmızı Xaç Cəmiyyəti International! Red
f. din. to baptize (d.), to christen (d.)
f. to be* baptized / christened
i. Christian; ~ olmaq to be* a Christian
i. christianity; xaçpərəstliyi qəbul etmək to adopt Christianity
s. cross-shaped; cruciform
i. the state or quality of being cross-shaped / cruciform
i.: dövlət ~i statesman*; ictimai ~ public man* / figure; siyasi ~ political figure; inqilabi ~ revolutionary; elmi ~ scientist, man* of science; mədə
i. servant, maid, maidservant, housemaid; (mehmanxanada) chambermaid; (gəmidə) stewardess
i. request; ~ etmək to ask (d.); to request (d.); ~lə müraciət etmək to make* a request (for); kiminsə ~ini yerinə yetirmək to comply with smb
I. i. traitor; (qadın) traitress, betrayer; ~ çıxmaq to turn traitor; vətən ~i traitor to one’s country II
z. treacherously, traitorously, perfidiously
i. 1. treachery, betrayal, perfidy; 2. traitorousness, treacherousness, perfidiousness; ~ etmək to be* / to become* a traitor / a betrayer
i. arx. earth, ground, soil
s. (colour) khaki
i. 1. Khakan (the title of Mongolian, Chinese and Turkish rulers); 2. arx. sovereign, ruler, monarch
i. tar. 1. khakanate (the territory ruled by a khakan); 2. the state of being a Khakan
I. i. brithmark, mole II. i. point; ~ yığmaq / toplamaq to score points; ~ hesabı ilə tutulan jep points position; ~ hesabı ilə qalib gəlmək to win* b
I. i. enclosure (for cattle); sheep-pen, sheep-fold (for sheep and goat) II. s. bax xallı
i. aunt; (müraciət) aunty; (zarafatyana) woman*
i. a kind of children’s game in which the sides show the same respect to each other
i. d.d. aunty
i. cousin, first cousin
i. second cousin
i. rug, carpet; ◊ sehirli ~ the magic carpet
i. mon. all kinds of rugs (strip of carpet, stair-carpet, runner and so on)
i. carpet-maker, carpet-weaver
I. i. carpet-making, carpet-weaving II. s. carpet-making, carpet-weaving; ~ arteli carpet-weaving artel
i. bax xalçaçı
i. carpet; ~ salmaq to carpet (d.)
top.i. all kinds of carpets and rugs
i. bax xalçaçılıq
s. empty, not occupied, vacant
i. bax Allah
s. 1. real, pure, neat; straight; ~ ipək real silk; ~ qızıl pure / real gold; ~ gümüş pure / real silver; ~ spirt pure alcohol; ~ viski straight / nea
I. i. people; nation; türk ~ları Turkic peoples; ingiliscə danışan ~lar English speaking peoples; Azərbaycanda yaşayan ~lar the peoples living in Azer
i. tar. narodnik, Russian populist
i. tar. Narodism, Populism
i. ethnographer
i. ethnography