i. miniature-painter, miniaturist
i. diminutiveness
i. rider, horseman, (ixtisas üzrə) jockey; (velosiped) cyclist; pis ~ poor rider
i. art of riding
I. i. 1. vehicle; 2. boarding; (gəmiyə) embarkation; Minik (qatara, təyyarəyə) hələ başlanmayıb The passengers are not yet allowed to board (the train
s. 1. a thousand years pl., millennium; a century; 2. (ildönümü) thousandth anniversary
s. minimal; ~ miqdar minimal quantity; ~ hissə minimal part
i. minimalism
s. minimum; ~ əmək haqqı minimum wages; texniki ~ minimum of technical knowledge; ~ həddinə çatdırmaq to minimize (d
sy. (the) thousandth
sy. thousands of, of many thousands; ~ adam a crowd of many thousands; crowd running into thousands
f. 1. to take* (d.); (gəmiyə, maşına və s.) to board, to get* in; Mən Moskvaya gedən qatara minməliyəm I must take the train to Moscow; O, bu tramvaya
i. 1. request, solicit (for); 2. favour, service, boom; Bunu mən böyük minnət hesab edirəm I regard it as a favour; ~ qoymaq to reproach for service /
i. intercessor; agent, solicitor
i. intercession; ~ etmək to solicit (for); bir kəs üçün ~ etmək to intercede for smb. / on smb.’s behalf
s. grateful, thankful; ~ olmaq to be* grateful / thankful
i. mortar, trench mortar; qvardiya ~u rocket barrage weapon, multi-rail rocket launcher, rocket-truck
i. mortar man
i. dən. torpedo-boat; eskadrilya ~u destroyer
mus. minor key; sol ~ qamması scale of G minor, G minor scale
i. 1. riyaz. minus; 2. defect, drawback
i. bax təhər
i. tib. myocardium
i. tib. myocarditis
i. tib. myology
i. tib. myologist
i. geol. Miocence
i. distributor of water
i. mirage, optical illusion
i. inheritance, legacy; heritage; keçmişin ~ı the heritage of the past
i. clothes of a deadman (or a deadwoman)
I. i. pearl(s) pl.; xırda ~ seed-pearls; ~ axtaran a pearldiver; ~ çıxarmaq / yığmaq to fish for pearls; to pearl II
i. 1. educated man*; 2. clerk, secretary; teacher
i. mus. tune (Azerbaijani dance music)
I. i. copper; sarı ~ brass; yellow copper; qırmızı ~ cuprite; red copper; vərəq ~ copper sheets pl. II
i. 1. example; instance; ~ vermək / çəkmək to give* an example, to cite an example; ~ kimi göstərmək to cite as an example; 2
s. copper-smelting; ~ zavod copper (-smelting) works / plant
i. brazier, copper-smith
i. like, likeness; misli olmamaq to have* no like / equivalent; Bunun misli bərabəri yoxdur There is no like of this
s. unexampled, unparalleled; ~ hünər / igidlik unparalleled / unprecedented feat
Misir s. Egyptian; ~ pambığı Egyptian cotton
i. Egyptologist
s. poor, helpless, miserable, unhappy; ~ olmaq to be* poor / unhappy
z. miserably, unhappily; ~ baxmaq to look (at) miserably / unhappily
f. to be* / to get* miserable / poor / unhappy
i. wretchedness, poorness, helplessness
i. zolotnik (about 4.25 gr.)
i. zolotnik and scales
i. nail; (xırda) tack; ~ vurmaq / çalmaq to nail up (d.) / to tack (d.)
f. to hammer in (d.); to drive* in (d.), to nail (d.), to tack (d.)