f. to cut* (d.) / to crop (d.)with a sickle
f. to be* cut with a sickle
f. bax oraqlatmaq
f. to ask / to cause s.o. to cut (d.) with a sickle
z. those places
s. the inhabitant there, the inhabitant of that place
I. i. hothouse, greenhouse, conservatory II. s. hothouse; ~ bitkisi hothouse plant; ~ dirrikçiliyi hothouse market-gardening
i. zool. orang-outang
i. orbit; ~də in orbit; peyki ~ə çıxarmaq to put* a satellite / sputnik into orbit
s. orbital; ~ elmi stansiya orbital scientific base / station
i. inside of one’s cheek in the mouth cavity; ~u batmaq to lose* flesh, to grow* thin, to have* a sunken cheek; ~u ~undan keçmək to get* / to grow* pi
i. order; decoration; ~ almaq to be* decorated with an order
I. i. order-bearer, holder of an order II. s. decorated / invested with an order, holding an order; ~ zavod a factory holding an order
i. army; forces pl., Azərbaycan ~su the Azerbaijan Army; Qızıl ~ tar. the Red Army; döyüşən ~ Army in the Field; amer
i. chief of the armed forces, the chief of staff
i. armed camp
s. orthoepic; ~ lüğət pronouncing dictionary
i. dilç. orthoepy; (rules of) correct pronunciation
i. orthograph
s. orthographic(al), spelling; ~ səhv spelling mistake; ~ səhv etmək to misspell; ~ lüğət spelling dictionary
i. dilç. orthography, spelling
I. i. original; (adam) d.d. eccentric person; ~da in the original II. s. (müxtəlif mənalarda) original; eccentric; authentic; genuine; ~ sənət genuine
i. originality, eccentricity; authenticity; ~ etmək to try to be original, to have* affected manners
i. orientalist
i. orientation
I. i. orchestra; simli ~ string orchestra II. s. orchestral
i. orchestration
i. mus. organ
i. organist, organ player
i. bax orqançalan
s. organic; ~ aləm organic world
i. organism
i. bax meşə I
s. bax meşəli
i. bax meşəlik
i. ornament; ornamental pattern / design
s. ornamental
s. bax ornamental
i. ornithology
s. ornithological
i. ornithologist
I. i. (müxtəlif mənalarda) middle; ~da in the middle; yayın ~sında in the middle of the summer; otağın ~sında in the middle of the room II
I. i. 1. middle peasant; 2. middlings II. s. average, middle, middling; ~ ailə average family; ~ kəndli middle peasant
f. to become* an average
i. the state of being average / middling
s. medium height; (i.s.) of medium height; ~ adam a man* of medium height
s. (i.s.) of medium height; ~ qadın a woman* of medium height
z. in the middle; ~ dayanmaq to stand* in the middle
z.: ~ götürmək to do* away (with), to annul (d.)
i. shareholder, companion; partner; (cinayətdə) accomplice; hüq. accessary (to); ən böyük ~ bölən riyaz