i. astrology
i. people; souls; inhabitants
i. 1. influence, ascendancy, ascendency; ~u olmaq to have* a firm standing; to be* influential; 2. Authority (over), to carry authority (with); ~ qaza
s. 1. authoritative; 2. moving; penetrating
I. s. authoritative, influential; ~ qərar an influential decision; ~ adam an influential man* II. z. authoritatively, influentially
i. authoritativeness; powerness
s. (i.s.) having no authority / influence
i. the state of having no authority / influence
i. 1. representative; agent; spokesman* (for); Azərbaycan Respublikasının ~si representative of the Azerbaijan Republic; ticarət ~si trade representat
i. representation; agency; (idarə) diplomatik ~ diplomatic representation
i. demonstration; bir may ~i Mayday demonstration; film ~i film-show, showing of a film; ~ təşkil etmək to make* a demonstration; ~ etdirmək: 1) to de
i. demonstrator; marcher
z. demonstratively
i. 1. example; ~ vermək to give* an example; bir kəsi ~ göstərmək to hold* smb. up as an example; bir kəsdən ~ götürmək to follow smb
s. exemplary; model; ~ şagird model pupil; ~ təsərrüfat model farm; ~ davranış model conduct; ~ əxlaq exemplary behaviour
i. copy; iki ~də in duplicate; üç ~də in triplicate; dörd ~də in quadruplicate; ~ çıxarmaq to make* a copy (of); ehtiyat ~ backup (copy); ~ni təsdiq e
I. i. nucleus; atom ~si fiz. atomic nucleus II. s. nuclear; ~ fizikası nuclear physics; ~ radiasiyası nuclear radiation; ~ reaktoru nuclear reactor; ~
s. (i.s.) with nucleus, (i.s.) having nucleus
s. (i.s.) without nucleus, (i.s.) having no nucleus
i. the quality or the state of being without nucleus
O, o the 21st letter of the Azerbaijani alphabet o əv. 1. personal pronoun, third person sing.; he, she, it; O, həkimdir He / She is a doctor; 2
i. hamlet; large nomad tent in several compartments, a large nomad family
z. from hamlet to hamlet; ~ gəzmək to walk from hamlet to hamlet, to go from hamlet to hamlet
I. i. dawn, daybreak; ~ əvvəl / qabaq before dawn / daybreak II. z. at dawn, at daybreak; ~ gəlmək to come* at dawn / at daybreak
i. image, character, type
I. s. figurative; ~ üslub figurative style II. z. figuratively; ~ yazmaq to write* figuratively
i. figurativeness; the state or quality of being figurative
I. i. object; uzaq ~ lər distant objects II. s. objective; ~ halı qram. objective case
I. i. fot. object glass, objective, lens II. s. 1. objective; ~ səbəblər valid / objective reasons / conditions; ~ varlıq objective reality; ~ həqiqət
z. objectively, in an objective manner; Obyektivcəsinə danışsaq... Objectively speaking..
f. to objectify (d.), to make* (d.) objective
i. objectivity, objectiveness
i. 1. hearth; hotbed; bonfire; müharibə ocağı hotbed of war; ~ qalamaq to make a fire; to light* / to kindle a fire; ocağı sönmək məc
i. stoker, furnace-man*
i. the job of a stoker; ~ etmək to work as a stoker
i. bax ocaqçı
əv. only that; only he / she / it; Ocığaz bəsdir Only that is enough
i. sketch, essay; (qəzetdə) featurestory
i. bax oçerkist
i. the profession of an essayist / essay-writer
i. essayist, essay-writer; (qəzet və jurnal üçün yazan) feature-writer
i. fire; ~ almaq 1) to fetch fire; 2) to flame up, to flare up; ~ vurmaq to set* fire(to), to set* on fire (d
i. fire and flame
s. fireproof, refractory; ~ kərpiç fire-brick, refractory brick; ~ gil fire clay; ~ etmək to fireproof (d
i. the quality of bearing high temperatures
s. not able to bear high temperatures
i. the quality of not bearing high temperatures
i. bax vulkan
i. bax yanğın I
i. eau-de-Cologne