i. 1. bax qüvvə; 2. riyaz. Power; ~ə yüksəlmək to raise to power
I. i. 1. intensifier; 2. rad. amplifier II. s. 1. dilç. intensifying; 2. tex. booster; 3. rad. Amplifying
f. to be* strengthened / intensified
fi. 1. intensification; strengthening; reinforcement; 2. rad. amplification; nəzarətin ~si strengthening of control
f. to strengthen (d.), to reinforce (d.); to intensify (d.); (səsi, cərəyanı) to amplify
f. to become* stronger, to gain strength; Külək qüvvətlənir The wind is becoming stronger; Epidemiya qüvvətlənir The epidemic is gaining round
s. bax qüvvəli
i. bax qüvvəlilik
i. dynamometer
s. bax qüvvəsiz
i. bax qüvvəsizlik
s. bax qüvvəverici
i. 1. intensifier; 2. rad. amplifier; 3. tex. booster
L, l the 18th letter of the Azerbaijani alphabet
i. laboratory assistant; baş ~ head aboratory assistant
i. the job of a laboratory assistant; ~ etmək to work as a laboratory assistant
I. i. laboratory; yaradıcılıq ~sı a creative laboratory; dil ~sı a language aboratory II. s. laboratory, laboratorial; ~ metodu laboratory method; ~ e
s. inevitable, unavoidable, inescapable; ~ olmaq to be* inevitable / unavoidable; Ölüm labüddür Death is inevitable
z. inevitably, unavoidably
i. inevitability; inqilabın labüdlüyü the inevitability of the revolution
I. i. zool. hawk, falcon; ~la ov etmək to hunt with a hawk II. s.: ~ gözlü hawk-eyed; ~ ovu hawking, falconry
i. mockery, derision, ridicule; ~a qoymaq to mock (d.), to ridicule (d.), to make* an object of derision (d
i. mockery, derision; (təhqir) humiliation
i. bax lağçı
I. i. joker, jester; d.d. twaddler, windbag II. s. jesting; ~ adam a jesting person / man*
i. 1. sap, undermining, underground; underground passage; ~ atmaq / vurmaq to undermine; to sap; 2. sewerage
i. 1. sapper; 2. miner; 3. hərb. sapper soldier
i. 1. bax lağçı I 2. bax lağ
i. mockery, idle talk, twaddle; jest, joke
i. 1. shaky, unsteady; tottering, loose, trembling; 2. rotten, very bad, terrible; spoiled; ~yumurta bad* / rotten egg; addle egg; ~ çıxmaq to be* add
f. (mıx, diş və s.) to be* / to get* / to come* loose; (stol, stul və s.) to be* unsteady; (mebel) to get* / to become* rickety; Dişim laxlayır
f. to sway (d.); to bend* back and forth (d.), to rock (d.); to make* loose (d.), (mebel) to make* rickety (d
i. unsteadiness, looseness, the state of being loose
i. clot; qan ~sı clot of blood
z. Qan laxta-laxta oldu The blood coagulated
s. coagulating, coagulative, coagulable
i. coagulant
fi. (qan) coagulation; thickening; ~ qabiliyyəti coagulability
f. (qan) to coagulate, to clot; to thicken; Qan havada laxtalanır Blood coagulates in the air
fs. coagulated; ~ qan coagulated blood
I. i. varnish, lacquer; dırnaq ~ı nail varnish / polish; yapon ~ı black japan; ~ çəkilmiş, ~la örtülmüş varnished, lacquered; ~ çəkmək / vurmaq / sürt
I. s. Lac, in the Lac language; ~- rusca lüğət Lac-Russian dictionary II. z. Lac, in the Lac language; ~ danışmaq to speak* Lac, the Lac language
i. varnisher
i. bax lakçəkən
i. footman*, manservant; lackey, flunkey
i. servility, cringing, dancing attendance; ~ etmək 1) to be* a lackey / a flunkey; 2) məc. d.d. to cringe (to, before), to fawn upon
bağ. but, nevertheless, however; O, yox deyərdi, lakin qorxdu He / She would say no, but he / she was afraid
fi. varnishing, lacquering; (yapon lakı ilə) japanning
f. to varnish (d.), to lacquer (d.); (yapon lakı ilə) to japan (d.); döşəməni ~ to varnish the floor
f. to be* varnished / lacquered