i. bax qışqırtı
i. shouts, scream, yell; outcry, clamour
I. i. 1. shouter, bawler; (uşaq) squaller; 2. (çox danışan) babbler; d.d. rowdy II. s. loud; clamourous, clamoursome; ~ adam a clamorous man*
i. shrillness; the state of being clamorous
f. to shout / to squall / to yell all together
fi. shouting, squall, scream, yell; exclamation
f. to shout, to squall, to yell, to bawl; bir kəsin üstünə ~ to shout / to yell at smb.; Mənim üstümə belə qışqırma! Don’t yell at me like that!; Qışq
i. shout, squall, yell; cry, scream; ~ salmaq to raise a cry, to give* a shout, to kick up a row, to make* a noise, to set* up a clamour
s. noisy, boisterous; clamorous
f. to cause smb. to shout / to squall / to yell / to bawl
i. 1. winter hut / cabin, winter camp; 2. (heyvanlar üçün) winter quarters pl
i. winterer
fi. 1. wintering, winter stay; 2. (heyvanların qışlaması) hibernation; ~ğa qalmaq to stay for the winter, wintering (at a place)
f. 1. to winter, to pass / to spend* the winter; isti ölkədə ~ to winter in a warm country; 2. (heyvan: qış yuxusuna getmək) to hibernate
I. i. anything for winter II. s. winter; ~ azuqə food for winter
s. insufficient, scanty; ~ olmaq to be* insufficient / scanty
f. to cause become insufficient / scanty
f. to cause to be* insufficient, to cause to become scanty
f. to become* insufficient / scanty, to be* insufficient / scanty
i. lack (of), shortage (of), deficiency; işçi qüvvəsinin qıtlığı shortage of manpower; ~ çəkmək to be* short (of), to be* in want (of)
s. bax qıvrım
f. bax qıvrılmaq (3-cü mənada)
s. bax qıvırcıqsaçlı
s. curly-haired; (xırda) frizzyhaired
I. s. agile, brisk, quick, lively; ~ yeriş a brisk walk; a quick walk; dələ kimi ~ as agile as a squirrel II
f. to become* brisk / quick / agile / lively
f. to make* (d.) to become* brisk / quick / agile
f. to become* brisk / quick / agile; to recover
i. briskness, quickness, agility, liveliness
s. curly
z. coiling, winding, twisting
f. 1. (ilan və s.) to snake, to twist, to coil, to roll; İlan qıvrıldı The snake coiled up; Kirpi qıvrıldı The hedgehog rolled itself into a ball; 2
fs. curled, waved; ~ saç waved / curled hair
f. (dalğavari) to wave (d.); to curl (d.)
s. 1. curly; (xırda) frizzy: ~ saç curly hair; (xırda) frizzy hair; 2. twisted; ~ cığır twisted path
i. bax qıvrım
s. curly-headed
f. to be* curled / waved
f. to curl (d.), to wave (d.)
f. to become* curled / waved, to grow* curled / waved
s. bax qıvrımsaç
s.: ~qoyun curly-haired sheep
i. bax qiyyə
i. shout, uproar; row; ~ salmaq to kick up a row, to make* a row
I. i. big needle II. s. squint, squinting; ~ göz squint-eye; squint-eyed, skew-eyed
I. i. squint-eyed; cross-eyed / squinteyed person II. s. bax qıyıqgözlü
s. squint-eyed, cross-eyed