f. 1. to raise (the) dust, to fill the air with dust; 2. bot. to pollinate (d.)
f. bot. to be* pollinated
fi. pollination
f. 1. to raise dust, to fill the air with dust; 2. bot. to pollinate (d.)
f. 1. to become* dusty; 2. bot. to become* / to get* pollinated
f. to become* dusty; to go* to powder
f. 1. to cause smb. to raise dust; 2. bot. to cause / to ask smb. to pollinate (d.)
s. dusty; ~ yol a dusty road; ~ xalça a dusty carpet; ~ şəhər a dusty town; Yayda şəhər tozlu olur In summer the town becomes dusty
i. 1. dustbowl; 2. bot. anther
i. vacuum cleaner
s. powder-like, powdery, powdered; ~ yanacag powdered fuel
i. bax tozgötürən
i. gift, present; ~ vermək to make* a gift (of smth.), to make* / to give* a present; ~ almaq to receive a present / a gift
i. reprimand, rebuke; ~ elan etmək / vermək to rebuke (d.); bir kəsə ~ elan etmək / vermək to give* smb
f. to be* reprimanded; to be* rebuked
f. to reprimand (d.); to rebuke (d.); to give* a rebuke
f. to be* rebuked / reprimanded
f. to ask / to cause smb. to pour (d.); (poladı) to cause smb. to found (d.) / to cast (d.)
f. bax tökdürmək
s. cast; pouring out in a heap; ~ zavodu foundry; ~ polad cast steel
i. moulder, founder, foundry worker
i. the job of a founder / moulder
i. foundry, smelting-house
f. 1. to pour (d.); to pour out (d.); to throw* away (d.); (bilmədən) to spill* (d.); (göz yaşı, yarpağ və s
f. bax töküşdürmək
f. to rush into all together, to come* all together, to come* with a rush; məc. to come* rushing in
i. debris; (yeməyin) remnants; reef
f. 1. bax axtarmaq (1-ci mənada); 2. to throw* about
f. 1. bax axtarılmaq; 2. to be* thrown about
i. 1. (adam) the rabble, riff-raff, ragtag and bobtail; 2. bax səliqəsizlik
i. bax səliqəsizlik
I. i. (erkək) sire; (ayğır) getter, studhorse; (kələ) bull II. s. reproductive; ~ orqanlar reproductive organs
fi. 1. reproduction, production; cinsi ~ sexual reproduction; odun ~si the production of fire; 2. dilç
f. 1. biol. to propagate (itself); (heyvan) to breed*; (balıq, qurbağa) to spawn; 2. to increase, multiply; to come* into being; 3
i. bax mərasim
f. to arise*, to spring* up; to come* into being / existence
f. 1. to procreate (d.); to give* birth (to); 2. dilç. to derive; söz ~ to derive a word; əngəl ~ to create an obstacle
i. tex. rasp, (rasp) file
s. bax törpülənməmiş
f. to rasp (d.), to rub with a rasp (d.)
s. unpolished, uncouth; rough; d.d. (adam haq.) uncouth
fs. polished, rasped
f. bax törpülətmək
f. to ask / to cause smb. to rasp (d.)
i. penitence, repentance, remorse; ~ etmək to repent (d., of), to show repentance; to promise not (+to inf
i. penitent
f. to cause smb. to repent / to promise not (+to inf.)
s. penitent; under a vow not to sin again
i. stable; stall
i. The Bible