s. bax yumşaqtük
s. soft-hearted, kind-hearted
s. bax yumşaqürək
i. soft-heartedness, kindheartedness
f. 1. to be* softened; to become* soft; 2. (torpaq) to be* loosened, to be* made light; (toxa ilə) to be* hoed
f. 1. to soften, to become* soft; to grow* softer; 2. (adam haq.) to relent; Əvvəlcə o bizim hamımızı işdən qovacağı ilə hədələdi, lakin bir az sonra
f. 1. to ask / to cause to soften (d.); 2. (torpağı) to ask / to cause to loosen (d.); (toxa ilə) to ask / to cause smb
f. 1. to soften (d.); to make* softer (d.); 2. (sakitləşdirmək) to mollify (d.), to calm down (d.); bir kəsi ~ to mollify smb
f. to close; Mənim gözlərim yorğunluqdan yumulur I am so tired I cannot keep my eyes open; Onun gözləri yumuldu His / Her eyes (were) closed; Yara yum
s. closed; ~ gözlər closed eyes
f. bax yumrulamaq
f. bax yumrulanmaq
I. i. 1. egg; toyuq ~sı hen’s eggs; qaz ~sı goose’s eggs; boş bişmiş ~ softboiled egg; bərk bişmiş ~ hard-boiled egg; təzə ~ new-laid egg; 2
I. i. zool. ovipositor II. s. zool. ovipositor (attr.)
f. 1. bax yumurtlamaq; 2. (yumurta sürtmək) to smear (d.) with beaten up eggs
f. to be* smeared with beaten up eggs
s. (i.s.) with eggs, (i.s.) mixed with eggs
i. anat. ovary, yumurtalığın iltihabı tib. ovaritis
s. bax yumurtavarı
i. bax yumurtavarılıq
s. egg-shaped; elm. ovoid, oviform
i. the state or quality of being egg-shaped
f. to lay* (d.); Toyuq yumurtlayıb The hen has laid an egg
f. bax yumurtlatmaq
f. to cause / to force a hen (a goose, etc.) to lay eggs
s. very soft, extremely soft; very fresh
I. i. 1. (qırxılmamış) hair; 2. (qırxılmış) wool; təbii ~ animal wool; daranmış ~ carded wool; zərif ~ fine wool; yuyulmamış ~ raw wool, wool in greas
I. i. Greek; (qadın) Greek woman* II. s. Greek; ~ dili Greek, the Greek language
z. Greek; ~ danışmaq to speak* Greek / the Greek language; ~ yazmaq to write* in Greek
i. wool grader
i. the profession of wool grader
s.: ~ maşın k.t. wool-carding machine
I. i. k.t. wool spinner II. s. k.t. woolspinning; ~ zavodu wool-spinning mill
I. i. shearer II. s.: ~ maşın k.t. cloth-shearing machine
s.: ~ məntəqə shearing shed, woolshed
s. woolly, fleecy; ~ qoyun woolly sheep
i. the state of being woolly
s. hairless; woolless, fleeceless
i. the state of being hairless / woolless
s. quite round, ball-shaped
s. bax yumruca
i. 1. (həm müst., həm də məc.) hearth; 2. dwelling; domicile; 3. native land, homeland, motherland, mother country, fatherland; (doğulduğu yer) birthp
i. 1. hearth; 2. home, native land; ~ salmaq to settle down, to begin* to live / to dwell in a stated place
s. bax yurdsuz-yuvasız
i. d.d. child*; heir
i. compatriot, fellow-country-man*
i. the state of being from the same land