i. saddle
top.i. (qoşqu ləvazimatı) harness
i. 1. (tər üçün) sweat-cloth; 2. (bəzək üçün) saddle-cloth, shabrack
i. bax yəhərqayıran
s. bax yəhərvarı
i. pummel, pommel; ön ~ front arch; arxa ~ rear arch
i. saddler, saddle-maker
i. (saddle-) girth, bellyband
f. to saddle (d.); at ~ to saddle a horse
f. to be* saddled
f. bax yəhərlətmək
f. to ask / to cause smb. to saddle (d.); to have* one’s horse saddled
s. saddled; (i.s.) with a saddle on
s. saddleless; (i.s.) without a saddle
i. the state of being saddleless, the state of having no saddle
s. saddle-shaped, saddlelike
I. i. Jew; (qadın) Jewish woman*, Jewess; ~lər the Jews II. s. Jewish; Judaic, Jewdaical; ~ qadın Jewish woman*; ~ dini the Jewish religion; ~ dili th
z. Jewish; ~ danışmaq to speak* Jewish / the Jewish language
f. to become* Jewish
i. Judaism; Jewry
i. bax yahudipərvər
i. Judaist
I. mod.s. obviously, apparently, evidently; Yəqin siz belə hesab edirsiniz ki, ... You apparently think that
z. without fail, certainly; Mən yəqini gələcəm I’ll come without fail
f. to specify (d.); to make* exact / precise / accurate (d.), to define more exactly / precisely; müqavilənin hər bir bəndini ~ to specify / to determ
f. to become* certain / obvious / evident; to come* to light; to get* trustworthy
i. trustworthiness; exactness, precision
bağ. that is (qısa forması: i.e.), that is to say
I. s. 1. close; (xətt haq.) small; ~ bəyanat close statement; ~ nəşr close print; ~ xətt small hand; 2
i. closeness, compactness; smallness
f. to ask / to cause smb. to gather (d.) / to pick (d.) / to collect (d.); göbələk ~ to ask / to cause smb
f. bax yığdırmaq
f. 1. to gather (d.), to collect (d.); şeylərini ~ to collect one’s things / belongings; 2. to tidy (d
i. 1. collector; üzvlük haqqının ~sı collector of membership dues; 2. tex. fitter, assembler
fi. 1. accumulation; gathering; kapitalın ~sı accumulation of capital; 2. (parça haq.) shrinkage of clothes in the wash; beton ~sı concrete shrinkage;
f. 1. to gather (together), to assemble; bir yerə ~ to get* together; Xeyli adam yığıldı Many people gathered; 2
I. i. collection; vergi ~ı collection of taxes; məhsul ~ı harvest, gathering, picking; alma ~ı apple harvest / picking; pambıq ~ı cotton-picking; çay
s. thrifty, economical; ~ evdar qadın a thrifty house-wife
i. thrift, economy
i. 1. heap, pile; bir ~ kitab a pile / heap of books; bir ~ daş a heap / a pile of stones; 2. mass; bir ~ adam a mass of people; bir ~ çiçək a mass of
I. s. mass of, crowd of; ~ uşaq crowd of children II. z. in pile, in heap; ~ tökmək to throw* in pile / heap, to make* a muddle of things
i. meeting, gathering; ümumi ~ general meeting; ~ keçirmək to conduct a meeting; siyasi ~ political gathering; izdihamlı ~ crowded gathering; yığıncağ
i. heap, pile; daş ~sı a heap / pile of stones
f. to be* put* in order, to be* tidied up; Otaq yığışdırılıb The room was put in order / was tidied up; Stoldan hər şey yığışdırılıb Everything has be
f. 1. to gather (d.), to collect (d.); şeylərini ~ to gather / to collect one’s belongings; 2. (səliqəyə salmaq) to put* in order (d
f. 1. to ask / to cause smb. to tidy up (d.) / to put in order (d.); 2. to ask / to cause smb. to gather (d
f. 1. to gather, to assemble; bir yerə ~ (uzun ayrılıqdan sonra) to get* together; Biz sabah yığışacağıqWe’ll meet tomorrow; Tezliklə çoxlu adam yığış
s. 1. (ayrı-ayrı hissələrdən) collapsible; pre-fabricated; ~ evlər pre-fabricated houses; 2. combined; ~ komanda combined team; the national team; 3
f. 1. to gather (d.), to collect (d.), to pick (d.); giləmeyvə ~ to gather / to pick berries; çiçək ~ to gather / to pick flowers; göbələk ~ to gather