i. naturalness; simplicity
I. i. drum; ~ çalmaq to beat* / to play the drum II. s. drum; ~ səsi drum-beat
i. drummer
i. bax təbilçalan
i. expression
z. according to: Marksın ~ according to Marx
i. 1. (natural) science, nature study; 2. (tədris fənni) science; 3. (tarixi) natural history
i. bax təbiətşünas
i.: ~ etmək to propagate, to propagandize (d.), to advocate (d.); to popularize (d.)
I. i. propaganda; publicity; popularization; müharibə ~ı war propaganda; ~ aparmaq to propagandize; to publicize; to popularize; partiya ~ı party prop
i. propaganda and agitation
i. propagandist; publicist
i. the job of a propagandist
i. bax təbliğatçı
i. bax təbliğatçılıq
I. i. congratulation; ~ etmək to congratulate (d. on, upon); bir kəsi ad günü münasibəti ilə ~ etmək to congratulate smb
f. to congratulate (d. on, upon)
f. to be* congratulated
i. a letter of congratulation
i. aggression; encroachment (on, upon); ~ etmək to encroach (on, upon), to infringe (on, upon), to make* an encroachment (on, upon); bir kəsin hüququn
I. i. aggressor; violater; ~ olmaq to be* an aggressor; potensial ~ potential aggressor II. s. aggressive; ~ adam an aggressive man*; ~ siyasət aggres
z. aggressively, in an aggressive way
z. bax təvacüzkaranə
I. i. aggression, aggressiveness II. s. aggressive; ~ müharibəsi aggressive war, war of aggression
i. embodiment, personification; incarnation; cəsarət / mərdlik ~ü embodiment / personification of courage; ~ etdirmək to personify (d
i. supply, provision; ~ etmək to supply (d.with), to furnish (d.with), to provide (d.with); to equip (d
i. equipment, supply, provision; hərbi ~ war supplies pl.; ərzaq ~ı foodsupply, victual
i. acceleration
I. s. pressing, urgent, rush, express; ~ iş urgent matter; ~ sifariş pressing / rush order; ~ teleqram urgent / express telegram; ~ yardım first aid I
i. urgency
i. 1. isolation; tex. insulation; tib. quarantine; ~ etmək to isolate (d.); tex. to insulate (d.); tib
fs. 1. isolated; separate; ~ otaq separate room; 2. tex. insulated
i. isolation, isolating
I. i. 1. experiment; test; probation; ~ qoymaq / aparmaq to experimentalize, to experiment; to take* / to carry out / perform an experiment; elmi ~ a
i. 1. (təcrübə keçən) probationer; 2. (təcrübə aparan) experimenter
f. to gain experience (in), to become* experienced
s. (adam) experienced; proficient; ~ həkim experienced doctor; ~ səyahətçi an experienced traveller; ~ pianoçu proficient pianist
i. the state of being experienced; proficiency
s. inexperienced, unpractised; (xam) novice; bir şeydə ~ olmaq to be* inexperienced in smth.; ~ adam inexperienced person; ~ üzgüçü a novice swimmer
i. inexperience; the state of being inexperienced / novice
I. s. 1. practical; ~ fəaliyyət practical activity; ~ məşğələ practical training; ~ iş practical work; 2
I. i. laying in, stocking up; (dövlət) State purchasing / purveyance; dövlət taxıl ~ü State grain purchase / procurements pl
s. bax tədarüklü
i. government purveyor, official in charge of (State) purchases
s. provident, (i.s.) of farsighted; ~ adam a man* of farsight
i. mal. turnover; pul ~ü money turnover
i. 1. measure; təsirli / qəti ~ drastic measure; cəza / intizam ~i disciplinary measure; ~ görmək to take* measure; müvəqqəti ~ temporary measure; ağı
i. counsellor
s. foreseeing; provident; reasonable, sober-minded, prudent
i. foresight; prudence; reasonableness