i. fortune-teller; palmist; (kahin, rəmmal) augur; soothsayer
i. 1. fortune-telling; palmistry, chiromancy; augury; soothsaying; 2. (falçı peşəsi) trade of a fortune-teller / an augur / a soothsayer
i. (sur)name, family name, second name; qızlıq ~sı maiden name; ~ daşımaq to bear* the name / surname (of); O, ərinin familiyasını daşıyır She bears t
s. (i.s.) having a surname; (i.s.) bearing the (sur)name, named, by name
s. nameless; (i.s.) without a surname / a family name
i. the state of being without a surname / second name
I. i. fanatic II. s. fanatic(al); ~ fikirlər fanatic ideas
i. fanatism; fanatic character / nature
i. fanatism
i. (çoxqatlı) plywood; (birqat cilalı) veneer
s. frail; perishable, mortal; liable to decay; İnsan ömrü fanidir Man’s life is frail
i. frailty; perishability, perishable nature
s. fantastic(al), fanciful; unreal; (ağılasığmayan) fabulous; ~ hekayə fiction
i. 1. fantasy; irreality; 2. ədəb. romantic fiction; science fiction
i. fantastic nature / character; fabulousness
i. 1. (təxəyyül) fantasy, fancy; (təsəvvür) imagination; 2. mus. fantasia
i. fiz. farad
s. quiet; still; calm; tranquil; Farağat! (komanda) Attention! ~ durmaq / dayanmaq to stand* still; ~ olmaq to be* quiet; ~ durmamaq to be* not tranqu
f. to become* quiet / calm / still / tranquil
i. quietness; calmness; tranquility
s. early; ~ tərəvəz early vegetables; ~ meyvə early fruit; Bahar bu il faraşdır Spring has come early this year
i. tib. pharyngitis
i. pharmacology
s. pharmacological
i. pharmacologist
i. pharmacy
I. i. Persian; Persian woman* II. s. Persian; ~ dili the Persian language, Persian
I. s. Persian, in Persian; ~ əlyazma Persian manuscript II. z. Persian, in Persian; ~ danışmaq to speak* Persian; ~ yazmaq to write* in Persian
i. mem. facade; front; mağazaların ~ı shop fronts
i. interval; break; pause; (aranı kəsmə) recess; intermission; interruption; on dəqiqəlik ~ ten minutes’ interval / break; nahar ~si dinner break; bir
z. with intervals / pauses; off and on; interruptedly
I. s. (i.s.) without a break; (aramsız) incessant; (i.s.) without intermission, uninterrupted; continuous; ~ yağışlar incessant rain(s) II
i. (aramsızlıq) incessancy; uninterruptedness; (ardıcıllıq) continuity
i. fashion, style; (paltarın biçimi) cut; başqa ~da in a different fashion; paltarın ~unu götürmək to take* a pattern; to copy a dress
s. stylish; modish bot.; (fiqurlu) shaped; ~ kərpic shaped brick
i. the state or quality of having fashion
s. styleless; shapeless
i. the state or quality of being without fashion
s. public, known; evident, manifest; ~ etmək to make* public / known (d.); to publish (d.); to publicize (d
I. i. fascist II. s. fascist; ~ təşkilatları fascist organizations
f. to be* fascistized
f. to fascistize (d.); to impose fascist methods (on)
i. fascism; fascist nature / character (of)
i. fascism
I. i. fatalist II. s. fatalistic
i. fatalism
i. conqueror, subjugator; könüllər / ürəklər ~i (qadın) charmer, (kişi) ladykiller fauna i. fauna
i. use; benefit; advantage; utility; (nəf, gəlir) profit, gain, interest; ~ vermək to benefit; ~ götürmək / görmək to benefit (by), to derive benefit
f. to benefit (by), to profit (by); to derive benefit / profit (from); to make* use (of); Mən sizin məsləhətinizdən faydalandım I have profited by you
I. s. useful; advantageous; helpful; (nəfli, gəlirli) profitable; ~ məsləhət useful / helpful advice; ~ tənqid helpful criticism; içtimai ~ of social