I. i. 1. cartridge; təlim ~u dummy cartridge; 2. el. elektrik ~u lamp-socket, lamp-holder II. s. cartridge; ~ zavodu cartridge factory; ~ gilizi cartr
i. cartridge-belt; hərb. bandolier, ammunition belt
f. to load (d.), to charge (d.)
f. to be* loaded, to be* charged
f. to ask / to cause smb. to load (d.) / to charge (d.)
i. pavilion
i. part, portion; share; (yemək) helping; ~ına düşmək to fall* to one’s share; ~ istəmək to demand a share; iki ~ salat two portions / helpings of sal
z.: ~ etmək to divide (d.) into parts / portions
i. prop, stake; ~ vurmaq bax payalamaq
f. to stake (d.), to prop (d.); sahəni ~ ( nişanlamaq) to stake out a claim; yeni əkilmiş ağacları ~ to stake newly planted trees
f. to be* staked / propped
f. bax payalatmaq
f. to ask / to cause smb. to stake (d.)
i. wood fit / suitable for stake
I. i. autumn; amer. fall; ~da in autumn; ~dan xeyli keçmiş late in autumn; ötən / keçən ~ last autumn; Payızda tez-tez yağış yağır If often rains in a
i. autumnal, autumn; ~ meyvə autumn / autumnal fruit
f. to distribute (d.), to deliver (d.); məktubları sahiblərinə ~ to distribute letters among the addressees, to deliver letters to addressees
fi. distribution, dispensation; kitabların ~sı distribution of books; təqaüdün ~sı dispensation of pension
f. to be* distributed, to be* dispensed; İmtahan işləri sinfə paylandı The examination-papers were distributed to the class; Pul fəhlələr arasında pay
f. to be* distributed, to be* dispensed
f. bax paylamaq
fi. distribution
f. to share smth. with smb.; to divide smth. with smb.; Onlar gəliri öz aralarında paylaşdılar They shared / divided the profit among themselves
f. bax paylatmaq
f. to ask / to cause smb. to distribute (d.); to ask / to cause smb. to dispense (d.)
I. i. distributor II. s. distributive, distributing; ~ lövhə el. distributing board, switchboard
z.: ~ etmək to destroy (d.), to ruin (d.); ~ olmaq to be* destroyed, to be* ruined
I. i. capital, metropolis II. s. capital; metropolitan; ~ sakini inhabitant of the capital, metropolitan
i. wedge; ~ çalmaq to wedge (d.), to force / to drive* a wedge (d.); ~la parçalamaq to wedge (d.) apart, to wedge (d
s. bax pazvarı
i. bot. bax çuğundur
f. to wedge (d.)
f. to be* wedged
f. to ask / to cause smb. to wedge (d.)
s. wedge-shaped, wedge-formed
I. i. stove; oven; elektrik ~i electric stove; (avtomaşında) heater; dəmir ~ iron stove II. s. stove; ~ turbası stove-pipe, chimney
i. stove-setter, stove-man*, stove-maker
i. pedagogy, pedagogics; elmitədqiqat ~ institutu (scientific) research institute of pedagogy
s. pedagogica (al); educational; ~ məktəb teachers’ training college; ~ institut teachers’ training institute; ~ təcrübə teaching practice, student te
i. pedagogue, teacher, educational specialist
i. coat, jacket
i. different edible greens
I. i. cheese; təzə ~ green cheese, unripe cheese; İsveçrə ~i Swiss cheese; bir baş ~ a cheese II. s. cheese; ~ zavodu cheese dairy (factory)
i. cheese-maker; pendir tutma / istehsalı cheese-making
i. bax pendirqayıran
I. i. pension; fərdi ~ merit pension; əlilliyə görə ~ disability pension; qocalığa görə ~ old-age pension; uzun müddət xidmətə görə ~ service pension;
i. pensioner; fərdi ~ recipient of a merit pension
i. pen; qızıl ~ golden pen
I. i. platform; Qatar hansı perrondan yola düşür? From what platform does the train start? II. s. platform; ~ bileti platform ticket
i. personage, character; povestdə ən maraqlı ~ the most interesting personage in the story; üç ~lı pyes a play with only three personages