f. to tramp, to thud, to make* a thud
f. to tramp (d.), to thud (d.), to make* a thud (d.)
i. footfall; tramp, thud; at ayaqlarının ~sı thud / clatter of a horse’s hoofs; ~ ilə düşmək to fall* with a thud; ~ salmaq bax tappıldatmaq; Mən yeri
i. 1. task; ~ vermək to set* a task; tapşırığı yerinə yetirmək to fulfil a task; 2. commission; errand, assignment; mission; tapşırığa əsasən in the i
f. to charge (d. with), to commission (d. with); canını ~ d.d. bax ölmək
i. bax tappatap
I. i. tar (an Azerbaijani stringed folk musical instrument); ~ çalmaq to play the tar II. i. (ev quşlarının gecələməsi üçün hinə qoyulan ağac) roost,
i. annihilation, complete defeat; rout; ~ etmək to smash up (d.), to annihilate (d.); (düşməni) to rout (d
i. pillage, plunder, squandering; ~ etmək to squander (d.), to plunder; to pillage (d.); ~ olmaq to be* plundered / pillaged; to be* squandered
i. zool. cockroach
i. 1. cut; (qiymətli daşda) facet; ~ etmək to cut* (d.); (qiymətli daşı) to facet (d.); 2. shave; ~ etmək (qırxmaq) to shave (d
i. lapidary; (almaz taraşlayan) diamond-cutter
i. the profession of a lapidary / diamond-cutter
f. 1. to cut* (d.); (qiymətli daşı) to facet (d.); almazı ~ to facet a diamond; 2. (üzü) to shave (d
f. 1. to be* cut; (qiymətli daş) to be* faceted; 2. (üz) to be* shaven
fs. 1. cut; (qiymətli daş) faceted; 2. (üz) shaven
f. 1. to ask / to cause smb. to cut (d.); (qiymətli daş) to ask / to cause smb. to facet (d.); 2. (üzü, başı) to ask / to cause smb
s. balanced; equal; ~ etmək bax tarazlamaq; ~ pəhriz balanced diet; ~ hissələr equal parts
f. to balance (d.); to equalize (d.); to equilibrate (d.); hesabat ~ to balance an account
f. to get* / to become* balanced, to get* / to become* equalized, to get* / to become* equilibrated
f. to cause smth. to become / to get balanced / equalized / equilibrated
f. bax tarazlamaq
f. bax tarazlanmaq
i. 1. balancer, equalizer; 2. tex. beam; (saatda) balance-wheel
i. balance, equilibrium, equipoise; sabit ~ stable balance / equilibrium; qeyrisabit ~ unstable equilibrium; mənəvi ~ mental equilibrium; tarazlığı sa
s. (i.s.) without balance / equilibrium, balanceless, unbalanced
i. the state of being unbalanced / without equilibrium
i. tar player, tarist
i. bax tarçalan
I. s. tight, taut; ~ düyün tight knot; ~ yaxalıq tight collar; ~ yay tight spring; ~ kəmər tight belt; ~ əzələ taut muscles pl
f. to tighten (d.), to taut (d.), to pull (d.) taut / tight; Simi tarımla Pull the string taut / tight
f. to tighten, to tauten; to become* tightened; to be* tightened; İp tarımlandı The rope tightened tarımlaşdırmaq f
f. to become* tightened / tautened
s. tautened, taut, tight ~ əzələ tautened muscles ~ əsəblər taut nerves
f. bax tarımlatmaq
f. to ask / to cause smb. to tighten (d.), to ask / to cause smb.to pull (d.) / to taut (d.)
i. tightness, tautness
I. i. tariff; dəmiryol ~i railway tariff; qadağan / yasaq ~i prohibitive tariff; ~ etmək to tariff (d
f. to be* tariffed
f. to tariff (d.); malları ~ to tariff goods
I. i. 1. history; orta əsrlər ~ i history of the Middle Ages, medieval history; ictimai inkişaf ~i history of social development; incəsənət ~i history
i. bax əhvalat
i. historian
i. the profession of a historian
z. historically
s. 1. historical; ~ roman historical novel; ~ materializm historical materialism; ~ dövr historical period; ~ dilçilik historical linguistics; ~ hadis
i. historicity, historic character
s. dated, (i.s.) with a date, (i.s.) having a date
s. 1. dateless, (i.s.) without a date; 2. (i.s.) without history, (i.s.) having no history
i. bax tarixçi