i. 1. biol. foetus, fetus; 2. k.t. (qoyun) lambing; ~ düşmək to start lambing, to start to procreate
f. 1. to impregnate (d.); to fecundate (d.); 2. k.t. to inseminate (d.)
f. 1. to become* / to get* impregnated; 2. k.t. to become* / to get* inseminated
f. bax dölləndirmək
I. i. pedigree II. s. pedigree; ~ heyvan pedigree cattle
s. sterile; ~ heyvan sterile animal
f. bax dölsəzləşdirilmək
f. to sterilize (d.), to sterilise (d.)
f. to become* / to get* sterilized
f. to be* made sterilized
f. to sterilize (d.)
i. sterility, barrenness
f. to be* turned / reverted
f. to turn (d.); (cəld) to swing* (d.); maşını ~ to turn the car; (cəld) to swing* the car round; açarı ~ to turn the key; tarixin təkərini ~ to rever
z. repeatedly, more than once, time and again; ~ demək to say* once and again / repeatedly
i. bax tale
i. 1. turn(ing); bend; sərt ~ sharp turn; sağdan ikinci ~ second turn(ing) to / on the right; 2. side street; back street
s. (i.s.) with turn(ing), (i.s.) having turn(ing)
s. turnless; (i.s.) having no turn, (i.s.) without turn
I. s. steadfast, unflinching; həyat tərzinin ~ inkişafı steady rise in the standard of living II. z. persistently, importunately
f. 1. to return; geri ~ to return, to come* back; evə ~ to return / to come* back home; Londona ~ to return to London; 2
s. 1. firm, staunch, steadfast, unshake able; ~ dostlar firm / staunch friends; ~ mübariz staunch fighter; ~ etibar steadfast faith; ~ inam firm belie
i. firmness, steadfastness, persistence
I. i. bax satqın II. s. 1. fickle; unsteady, changeable; ~ dost fickle friend; 2. treacherous; ~ hərəkət treacherous action
i. inconstancy, fickleness, apostasy; faithlessness; ~ etmək to be* false (to), to betray (d.); (ər, arvad) to be* unfaithful (to)
I. i. turn, turning point, change; siyasətdə qəti ~ a radical / sharp change in policy; əsaslı ~ yaratmaq to bring* about a fundamental change II
sy. four; ~ dəfə four times; ~ dəfə ~ four times four
z. in fours; four by four
s. 1. (dördyerli) four seater; (gəmidə) four-berth cabin; ~ kupe compartment for four; 2. for four persons; ~ nahar dinner for four persons
s. four-horse, four-horsed
s. four-oared; ~ qayıq four-oared boat
s. four-footed; elm. quadruped; ~ heyvanlar four-footed beasts
I. i. quadrangle; (kvadrat) square II. s. bax dördbucaqlı
s. quadrangular
sy. only four, just four
s. k.t. four-row; ~ kultivator four-row cultivator
i. edition in four volumes, fourvolume edition
I. i. gallop II. z. dördəm(ə) at gallop; ~ çapmaq (atı) to gallop
dördəm(ə) z. at gallop; ~ çapmaq (atı) to gallop
s. four-per-cent (attr.)
s. consisting of four parts / sections; ~ mənzil four-room flat
s. bax dördgöz
s. four-day; (i.s.) of four days; ~ uşaq a child* of four days, four-day-old child*
s. dilç. four-syllable; elm. tetrasyllable
s. riyaz. four-member
s. 1. (müddət) four-year; (i.s.) of four years; 2. (yaş) four-year-old
s. four-cornered
s. bax dördkünc