i. bax xəlifəlik
i. unusual, uncommon; Burada xilafi-adət heç bir şey yoxdur There is nothing out of the ordinary in it
s. illegal, illicit; ~ ticarət illicit trade
i. rescue; escape; məc. salvation; deliverance; ~ etmək to save (d.); (təhlükədən) to rescue (d.); (avadanlığı yanğından və s
s. salutary; saving; ~ vasitə saving remedy
I. i. deliverer, liberator; rescuer, saviour II. s. ~ ordu salvation army
i. emancipation, salvation; the act of saving / rescuing / delivering
i. 1. creation, making; 2. nature; God
i. anat. cartilage, gristle
i. khangal (an Azerbaijani dish, prepared of meat and rolled pastry)
i. sale, selling; ~ etmək to make* market (d.), to sell* off (d.); to meet* a sale; to have* a market (for)
i. salesman*; (qadın) saleswoman*, saleslady
i. salesmanship
i. anat. 1. larynx; ◊ Onun dili xirtdəyinə yapışmışdı He was struck dumb; 2. gullet; d.d. throat
f. to take* / to seize (d.) by the throat; bir kəsi ~ to take* / to seize smb. by the throat
f. to be* taken / seized by the throat
f. to take* / to seize each other by the throat
i. trait, feature; fərqləndirici ~ distinguishing feature; adamın əsas ~i the chief trait of a man*
i. address (to); salutation
i. (yazılı) salutation
i. finishing, graduating, end, ending; ~ vermək to put* an end (to), to make* an end (of), to bring* to a stop; istintaqa ~ vermək to drop an inquiry;
i. avenue; (parkda) path, lane
i. cucumber; duza qoyulmuş ~ pickled cucumber; təzə ~ fresh cucumber
I. i. tib. bubo II. s. bubonic; ~ taunu bubonic plague
i. sledge, sleigh; ~lə getmək to drive* in a sledge / sleigh
I. i. kim. chlorine II. s. chloric; ~ turşusu chloric acid
i. kim. chloride; ~ natrium sodium chloride
f. kim. to chlorinate (d.)
f. kim. to be* chlorinated
f. bax xlorlatmaq
f. to ask / to cause s.o. to chlorinate (d.)
s. kim. chlorous, chloric, chlorinated; ~ əhəng chloride of lime, bleaching powder; ~ turşu chlorous acid
i. bot. chlorophyll
i. kim. chloroform; ~ altında cərrahiyyə əməliyyatı operation under chloroform
i. fear, fright; ~lu olmaq to be* afraid; ~dan əsmək to quake with fear, to shake with fright, to tremble with fear
f. to fear (d.), to frighten (d.)
f. to be* / to get* frightened, to be* afraid (of) / feared, O hər şeydən xoflanır He / She is afraid of everything
s. 1. fearful, frightful; 2. timid, easily frightened; Xain xoflu olar at. söz. ≅ A traitor gets frightened easily
s. fearless, intrepid; brave, courageous
I. i. hockey; topla ~ Russian hockey, bandy; şaybalı ~ ice hockey II. s. hockey; ~ topu ( ot üzərində) hockey-ball, ~ komandası hockey team; ~ ağacı h
i. hockey-player
i. kim. cholorine
i. 1. panel; 2. tray filled with different sweets and fruits, etc. brought to the bride on the day of betrothal
i. chorus, (kilsədə) choir
i. bax yara
s. bax yaralı II
i. choreographer
I. i. choreography II. s. choreographic
i. chorister, member of a chorus
z. in chorus; ~ demək to say* in chorus