s.: kiçik ~ maşın small car; kiçik ~ mebel compact furniture
f. bax qabarlanmaq
f. to become* / to get* horny, to be* covered with corns
f. 1. to make* callous (d.); əllərini ~ to make* one’s hands callous; 2. to cause (d.) to become horny / callous (d
s. horny, callous, toil-hardened; ~ əllər horny hands; Qoca bağbanın qabarlı əlləri vardı The old gardener had horny hands
i. callosity, callousness
fi. 1. protrusion; 2. coğ. flow, flood (of tide), rising tide; ~ və çəkilmə ebb and flow, high and low tide; 3
f. 1. (şişmək) to swell out, to swell; 2. to bristle (up), to stand* up stiffy; Heyvanın tükləri qabardı The animal’s fur bristled (up); 3
f. 1. to cause to swell (d.), to swell (d.); 2. to puff out / up; Quş lələklərini qabartdı The bird puffed out its feathers
i. 1. (çörəyin və s.) crust; çörəyin qabığı crust of bread; 2. (soğanın, bananın) skin; soğan qabığı onion skin; 3
f. to crust; (ağac) to bark; (yara və s.) to skin; Yara qabıqlanmağa başladı The wound began to skin
s. crusty, rindy; not peeled; (qoz, yumurta) not shelled
s. peeled; rindless; (i.s.) without peel / skin; ~ ağac peeled wood; ~ pendir rindless cheese
i. anat. rib; qısa ~lar short ribs
s. məc. thicket, robust, sturdy; ~ oğlan məc. a robust / sturdy fellow
s. able, skilful, gifted, capable (of); ~ tələbə / müəllim və s. an able student / teacher, etc.; ~ həkim a skilful doctor / physician; ~ cərrah a ski
i. 1. ability (for), giftedness, aptitude (for), faculty (of, for); əqli ~ mental ability; fiziki ~ physical ability; musiqiyə ~i olmaq to have* aptit
z. 1. skilfully, ably; 2. tactfully, politely; with dignity; O həmişə qabiliyyətlə hərəkət edir He always acts with dignity
s. 1. gifted, talented, capable; 2. tactful, polite, delicate
i. 1. giftedness, ability (for), aptitude (for); 2. dignity, self-respect
I. s. 1. unskilful, incapable (of), dull, ungifted; 2. tactless, indelicate, indiscreet II. z. 1. impolitely, indelicately, tactlessly; 2
z. bax qabiliyyətsiz II
i. 1. impoliteness, indelicacy, tactlessness; 2. incapability, inability (of), lack of skill / talent; ~ etmək to act / to behave impolitely, to condu
f. to become* skilful / capable / talented
i. giftedness, ability, faculty
fs. packing; ~ materialı packing material
f. to pack (up) (d.), to wrap up (d.), to do up (d.); malları ~ to pack goods
f. to be* packed / wrapped
i. packer
f. bax qablamaq
f. bax qablatmaq
f. to ask / to cause smb. to pack (d.)
i. mus. oboe
i. oboe player, oboist
I. i. kitchen-maid, scullery maid; (kişi) scullion, washer-up II. s.: ~ maşın dish-washing machine
i. ditch, trench; dərin ~ deep ditch / trench
f. to trench; to dig a trench
i. running about, turmoil
z. running; at a run; ~ gəlmək to come* running
I. i. 1. (quldur) robber, brigand, bandit; 2. (həbsxanadan qaçan) prison-breaker, jail-breaker, goal-breaker; outlaw, fugitive, deserter; 3
I. top.i. the robbers and outlaws II. s.: ~ yuvası den of robbers and outlaws
i. 1. running (about); ~da olmaq to be* on the run; Mən bütün günü qaçaqaçda olmuşam I’ve been on the run all day long; 2
i. (robber) chief, cheiftain
i. smuggler, contrabandist
i. 1. bax qaçaqlıq; 2. contraband, smuggling; ~ etmək 1) to be* a robber; to rob (d.), to plunder (d
i.: ~ etmək 1) to be* a robber; 2) to rob (d.), to plunder (d.)
i. contrabandist, smuggler
i. id. runner