i. clarnet
i. clarnetist, clarnet-player
I. i. classic II. s. classic(al); ~ musiqi classical music; ~ nümunə a classical example
i. classicism
i. keyboard
s. (i.s.) with / having a keyboard
i. key
s. keyed
I. i. clerical II. s. clerical; ~ iş clerical work
i. clericalist, a supporter of clericalism
i. clericalism
I. i. a rude fellow, a boor, a churl, a blunt, a lout, a rough-neck II. s. 1. (qaba) coarse, rough; ~ parça coarse cloth; ~ kağız coarse / rough paper
z. roughly, in a rough manner, in a rude / a crude manner; coarsely
f. to be* made to come rough / coarse; (adam) to be* made to become rude / rough
f. 1. to coarsen (d.), to make* coarse (d.); 2. (adamı, xasiyyəti) to make* rude / rough / coarse (d
f. to coarsen; to become* coarse / rude / rough; to roughen
i. coarseness; roughness; rudeness; ~ etmək (bir kəsə qarşı) to be* rude (to), to treat smb. rough
i. code; teleqraf ~u cable / telegraphic code; beynəlxalq ~ international code; ~la şifrləmək / işarələmək to code (d
i. əcz. codeine
i. code, codex; əmək ~i labour code; əxlaq ~i moral code / codex
i. əcz. caffeine
i. blouse; woman’s jacket
i. crook; çoban ~sı shepherd’s crook; ~ya dönmək to crook, to grow* crooked
i. cocain(e)
i. cocain(e) addict
s. (i.s.) containing cocain(e), (i.s.) with cocain(e)
i. coke; ~ yandırma coke firing
f. to be* coked
f. to coke (d.)
f. to coke
i. cocktail
I. i. bush; shrub; qızılgül ~u a rose bush; tikanlı ~ thorn-bearing / thorny / spiny shrub; ~ basmaq to be* covered with bushes / shrubs; ətrafına ~ b
I. top.i. thorns-and-shrubs; shrubbery; ~ basmaq to be* covered with shrubs, to become* shrubby II. s
s. shrubby, (i.s.) covered with shrubs; thorny, (i.s.) covered with thorns; ~ yer shrubby land / place; land covered with shrubs / thorns
i. bax kolluq
s. 1. short-horned, curt-horned; 2. (buynuzu kəsik / qırıq) with polled / shorn horn(s); ~ heyvan pollard
i. canoe; boat
i. boatman*
i. flask
I. i. sausage; bişmiş ~ boiled sausage; hisə verilmiş ~ smoked sausage II. s. sausage; ~ zavodu / fabrikası sausage factory; ~ məmulatı sausages; cook
i. 1. (hazırlayan) sausage-maker; 2. (satan) sausage dealer
I. i. calico II. s. calico; made of calico; ~ cild calico cover; ~ cildli kitab a book with a calico cover
I. i. kolkhoz, collective-farm II. s. collective-farm; ~ quruluşu collective-farm system; ~ mülkiyyəti kolkhoz, collectivefarm property; ~ tarlaları c
I. i. collective farmer II. s. collective farmer’s; collective-farm; ~ ailəsi collective farmer’s family; ~ kəndlilər collective-farm peasantry
i. the state of being a collective farmer
i. tib. colitis
i. college
s. collegiate, collegial; joint; collective; ~ rəhbərlik collective / joint leadership; ~ şəkildə collectively / jointly
i. collective nature; (rəhbərlikdə) joint leadership
i. board; nazirliyin ~sı board of Ministry; vəkillər ~sı College of barristers / lawyers