s. windy, breezy; ~ gün a windy day
i. air-hole
i. fiz. anemometer
s. windless; breezeless; ~ gün a windless day
s. bax küləkdöyən
s. lee; ~ sahil lee shore
i. straw, stubble
f. 1. to thatch (d.) (with straw / haulm); 2. to feed* animals on straw
f. to be* thatched (with straw / haulm); daxmanın damı küləşlənmişdi The roof of the hut was thatched
f. bax küləşlətmək
f. 1. to have* / to get* smth. thatched; Damı küləşlətmək istəyirəm I want to have / to get the roof thatched; 2
s. 1. (küləşi olan) strawy, haulmy; 2. (küləşlə örtülmüş) thatched (with straw / haulm); ~ dam a thatched roof; a roof thatched with straw / haulm
i. oven built of bricks; for baking bread
i. 1. family; household; ~ sahibi householder, family man*; head of the family; 2. d.d. wife, mate; 3
s. 1. (i.s.) with / having a family / a household; 2. married
z. bax külli-külfətli
s. (i.s.) without a family / household
i. ash-tray, ash-pot, ash-stand
s. the whole (of), all, entire; ~-aləm the whole / entire world; ~ halında altogether; wholly; entirely; totally
f. to cover (d.) with ashes
f. 1. to be* covered with ashes; 2. məc. (avaralanmaq) to lounge, to loaf, to loiter, to idle
f. bax küllətmək
f. to ask / to cause s.o. to cover (d.) with ashes
s. many, much, plenty (of), a great deal, a great number; a lot of; ~ məbləğ a large sum; ~ məbləğdə pul a large sum of money; ~ miqdar (da) (in)a gre
i. complete works pl
s. ashy; ash-covered
z. (together) with the whole family / household
i. ashery; (kül çalası) ashpit; ◊ küllüyə çevirmək to turn into ashes, to lay* in ashes; ◊ köhnə ~ləri eşələmək ≅ to burrow bygones, to recall bygones
i. ash-content, the state of being covered with ash
s. ashy, ash-coloured, ashen, ashygrey; ash-grey amer
i. pick(er), (miner’s) hack; ◊ ~ çalmaq məc. to toil / to work hard; O, 20 ildir ki, burada külüng çalır He / She has been toiling / working hard here
f. to pick (d.), to pick up (d.), to hack (d.)
f. to be* picked / hacked
f. bax külünglətmək
f. to ask / to cause s.o. to pick (d.) / to hack (d.)
i. 1. bax barama; 2. bax kümxana
i. barn for breeding silkworms
i. 1. corner; otağın ~ündə in the corner of the room; uşağı ~ə qoymaq to put* the child into the corner, to make* the child stand in the corner; vərəq
i. 1. bax künc I; 2. (xəlvət yer) nook, recess, a retired place; ~da gizlənmək to hide* in the recesses; ~da gizlətmək to hide* in a recess (d
s. cornered; (i.s.) with corners, (i.s.) having corners
I. i. (bitkisi və toxumu) sesame, til II. s. sesame; ~ yağı sesame oil; ~ toxumu sesame seed; ~ halvası sesame halvah (paste of sesame seeds, sugar an
s. (i.s.) with sesame (seeds), (i.s.) having sesame seeds, (i.s.) mixed with sesame seeds
I. i. dough / paste ball, a rolled / rounded lump of dough II. i. stocks pl.; ayağına ~ vurmaq to put* in the stocks
f. to make* paste balls, roll the paste into balls
i. bottom, seat; (yumurtada) butt; yumurtanın ~si the butt of an egg; ◊ Künəni yerə qoy / bas d.d. Put your seat / bottom down
I. i. a big pitcher, a big earthenware pot; ~ dibində yatan məc. a drunkard; ◊ ~ünə girmək idiom. to drink* hard; to be* a hard drinker II
i. jug, earthenware pot, a (small) pitcher; süd ~si milk-jug; ~ qoymaq / salmaq tib. to apply cupping-glasses (to); ◊ ~ kimi olmaq d
i. bot. fuchsia
s.: ~ qarı hag, witch, sorceress
f. to apply cupping-glasses (to)