i. 1. cackle; 2. məc. loud laughter
I. i. 1. castle, stronghold; 2. hərb. fortress; alınmaz ~ impregnable / unassailable fortress; ~nın mühasirəsi siege of a fortress; ~nı mühasirəyə alm
s. astr. galactic
i. astr. Galaxy
i. heap, pile; ~ vurmaq to heap (d.), to pile (d.); bir ~ kömür a heap of coal; bir ~ kitab a pile of books
z. in heaps / piles, a lot of, a great deal of; ~ olmaq to be* heaped / piled up; Kitablar döşəmədə qalaq-qalaq idi The books lay in heaps on the floo
f. to pile (d.), to heap (d.); daşı ~ to heap (up) stones
f. to be* piled up / heaped up
f. to ask / to cause smb. to pile (d.) up, to ask / to cause smb. to heap (d.) up
i. şahm. castling
f. to pile up (d.), to heap up (d.); daşı ~ to heap up stones
f. to ask / to cause smb. to pile up (d.) / to heap up (d.)
I. f. (üst-üstə yığmaq) to pile up (d.), to heap up (d.) II. f. (yandırmaq) to kindle (d.), to stoke (d
I. i. remainder, rest; borcun ~ı the remainder of the debt; pulun ~ı the rest of the money; Nə istəyirsən götür, qalanını tulla Take what you want and
I. f. (üst-üstə yığılmaq) to be* piled up / heaped up II. f. (yandırılmaq) to burn, to be* burnt / stoked
I. i. haberdashery; fancy goods II. s. fancy-goods; ~ mağazası fancygoods store; haberdasher’s (shop); ~ malları haberdashery
i. haberdasher
I. f. (üst-üstə yığdırmaq) to ask / to cause smb.to pile (d.) / to heap (d.) / to kindle (d.) II. f. (yandırtmaq) to ask / to cause smb
s. lifting; ~ mexanizm lifting gear; ~ kran crane
f. 1. to be* lifted; 2. (bayraq) to be* hoisted; 3. (qiymət və s.) to be* raised / increased
f. 1. to lift (d.), to raise (d.); to heave (d.); başını ~ to lift / raise one’s head; bir şeyi ~ to give smth
f. to ask / to cause smb. to lift (d.), to ask / to cause smb. to raise (d.); (yuxudan) to ask / to cause smb
i. (müxt. mənalarda) gallery; şəkil ~sı picture-gallery
i. shield
s. anat. thyroid; ~ vəzi thyroid gland; ~ qığırdaq / ximirçək thyroid cartilage
f. 1. to rise* all together; 2. (mübarizəyə) to rise* against; zülmə / əsarətə qarşı ~ to rise* against oppression
f. 1. to rise*, to get up; (ayağa) to stand* up; stoldan ~ to rise* / to get* up from the table; tezdən ~ to rise* / to get* up early; günəşlə birgə ~
i. 1. remainder, rest, residue, remnant; 2. riyaz. remainder; 3. kim. residuum; pulun qalığı the rest of the money; borcun qalığı the remainder of the
I. s. 1. thick, dense; ~ kitab a thick book; ~ ot thick grass; ~ taxta a thick board; ~ meşə thick / dense forest; ~ bulud thick / dense clouds; ~ dum
s. thick-legged
I. i. thick-head II. s. thick-headed
s. bax qalınbığlı
s. bushy-moustached; (i.s.) with bushy-moustache
s. thick-lipped; ~ qız / qadın a thick-lipped girl / woman*
I. i. məc. thickskin, dimwit, thick-skinned person II. s. 1. (meyvə) thick-skinned; ~ portağal / alma və s
I. i. dullard, dimwit, dunderhead, blockhead II. s. obtuse, blunt, dull, stupid; ~ adam a blunt / obtuse man*
i. stupidity, dullness, obtuseness
s. (i.s.) with bushy eyebrows
s. bax qalınqaş
f. bax qalınlaşmaq
f. to be* thickened, to be* made thicker
f. to thicken (d.), to make* thicker (d.)
fi. 1. thickening, becoming thicker; 2. dilç. velarization
f. 1. to thicken, to become* thicker; Buz qalınlaşır The ice is thickening; 2. (səs) to get* coarse / harsh
f. bax qalınlaşdırmaq
i. 1. thickness; 2. density; 3. (adamda) dullness, bluntness
s. thick-haired; (i.s.) with thick hear
s. bax qalınsaç
s. bushy bearded