I. s. (i.s.) without exaggeration / hyperbole II. z. without exaggeration; ~ danışmaq to speak* without exaggeration
mübarək: ~ olsun! Congratulate you (on, upon)... Ad gününüz mübarək! Happy birthday to you, I wish you many happy returns (of the day)! Yeni iliniz mü
I. i. fighter, champion, supporter; sülh ~ləri fighters for peace, peace supporters, champions of peace II
i. struggle, fight; ~ aparmaq to fight*, to struggle; bir kəslə ~ aparmaq to fight / struggle against smb
i. bellicosity, warlike character
i. qram. subject
s.: ~ olmaq to get* into; xəstəliyə ~ olmaq to fall* ill, to get* ill, to be* taken ill; məyusluğa ~ olmaq to reduce to despair; bəlaya ~ olmaq to get
i. bax mübarizə
i. bax fədai
s. abstract; ~ fikir abstract idea; ~ rəqəm riyaz. abstract number; ~ isim qram. abstract noun; ~ təfəkkür fəls
f. to abstract (d.)
f. to disengage oneself (from), to deflect one’s attention (from), to become* abstract
i. abstraction, abstractness
i. personification, embodiment; canlı ~ living picture; igidlik ~si embodiment / personification of courage, courage personified
i. box, case, casket, small chest / coffer
i. high religious person in Muslim
I. i. defence, protection, defend; fəal ~ active / aggressive defence; tanka qarşı ~ anti-tank defence; anti-mechanized defence; kimyəvi silaha qarşı
i. 1. defender, protector; hüq. counsel for the defence, intercessor; 2. (himayədar) patron, (qadın) patroness; 3
s. defenceless, unprotected
i. defencelessness
i. interference; (siyasi) intervention; (arzu olunmaz) meddling; cərrahiyyə ~si surgical intervention; xarici ~ foreign intervention; ~ etmək to inter
i. interventionist
i. non-intervention, noninterference; ~ siyasəti a policy of noninterference, hands-off policy
i. 1. hearer, listener; 2. (tələbə) student; 3. auditory; 4. visitor, caller
i. 1. thesis (pl. theses ); principal propositions; 2. (müqavilənin) clause; provisions pl.; nəzəri ~lar theoretical propositions; marksizmin əsas müd
i. plaintiff; (boşanmada) petitioner
i. 1. time; hər hansı bir ~də at any time; uzun ~ a long time / while; much / plenty of time; ~ə for a time, for a while; ~ədək since then / that time
s. termless; (daim) permanent; ~ pasport permanent passport
s. bax dəhşətli
i. manager; chief, head; administrator; dəftərxana ~i headclerk; amer. executive; işlər ~i business-manager; mağaza ~i manager; tədris-hissə ~i direct
i. administration, management, board (of directors), the heads, authorities
I. i. author; (qadın) authoress; (ədəbi əsərlərdə) writer; (musiqi əsərlərində) composer; (tərtibçi) compiler II
i. authorship
i. teacher; məktəb ~i schoolteacher, schoolmaster, amer. schoolman*; ingilis dili ~i English teacher; riyaziyyat ~ mathematics teacher; nəğmə ~i singi
i. teacher; məktəb ~si schoolmistress
i. the profession of a teacher; ~ etmək to be* a teacher; to work as a teacher
i. problem, riddle; enigma; (sirr) mystery; inexplicable / unaccountable things
I. s. mysterious, enigmatic; inexplicable; unknown; unfamiliar; (sirli) mysterious, supernatural; ~ hadisə unexplained phenomenon; ~ izahat mysterious
i. establishment, institution, enterprise; tədris ~si educational institution; dövlət ~ləri state institutions; mədənikütləvi ~lər cultural and public
s. definite, fixed, scheduled, established, concrete; certain; Müəyyən bir söz verə bilmərəm I cannot positively promise; ~ cavab definite answer; ~ e
s. definable; riyaz. determinate
f. to define (d.), to determine (d.); harada yerləşdiyini ~ to find one’s position; tarixi (vaxtı) ~ to fix the date
f. (xarakter) to be* / to become* formed; (vəziyyət) to take* shape; (aydınlaşmaq) to clarify itself
i. definity, concreteness; ~ artiklı definite article
I. s. detailed, minute, extensive, vast, thorough; ~ şərh (izah) detailed / minute description II. z
i. inspector, controller
i. job of the inspector / controller
s. ruined, insolvent, bankrupt; ~ olmaq to ruin oneself, to become* bankrupt / insolvent, to go* / to be* / to get* broke d
f. to become* bankrupt / insolvent; d.d. to go* / to get* / to be* broke; məc. to go* to smash; to be* played out
i. bankruptcy, insolvency