i. aim, purpose, wish
s. Maroccan
i. 1. wish (for), desire (for); (qüvvətli) longing (for); 2. intention, purpose; 3. aim; xoş ~ good will, good resolution; ~ına çatmaq to achieve / to
i. program(me); partiya ~si party program
s. purposeless; wishless, aimless
i. rite, ceremony; festival, fete; müqavilə bağlanılması ~i signing ceremony; dəfn ~i funeral rites; toy ~i celebrating one’s wedding, wedding ceremon
z. without ceremony, informally
i. wager, stake, bet; ~ gəlmək / tutmaq / çəkmək bax mərcləşmək; ~i udmaq to win* the bet; ~i uduzmaq to lose* the bet; bir şeydən ~ gəlmək to make* a
I. i. coral II. s. coralline; ~ muncuğu coral beads; ~ adası coğ. coral-island
i. bot. cranberry
i. cocle-shell
i. lobe (of the ear)
i. bot. lentil
i. bax mərci
f. to bet, to lay a wager / bet; yüz manatdan ~ to make* a bet on hundred manats
I. i. brave / courageous man* / person II. s. 1. courageous, brave, valorous; 2. worthy, noble; magnanimous, generous
z. 1. bravely, fearlessly; 2. with fortitude; 3. frankly, openly; 4. magnanimously, generously; ~ boynuna almaq to confess frankly, to avow (d
z. with fortitude, frankly; openly; ~ danışmaq / demək to speak* frankly / openly
i. 1. manliness, manhood; 2. frankness, openness
z. 1. with fortitude; 2. openly, frankly; 3. bravely
I. i. villain, miscreant, malevolent II. s. harmful, noxious; pernicious
z. noxiously, harmfully, perniciously
i. harmfulness, noxiousness
i. bax mərdanəlik
i. 1. crowd, gathering; 2. noise, uproar, hubbub; scandal; commotion; hurly-burly; ~ qaldırmaq to make* / to kick a noise / a row / scandal / uproar;
i. illness, disease
s. ill, sick; ~ adam sick person
I. i. arsenic II. s. arsenious; arsenic(al)
nid. bax afərin
i. 1. stage; 2. tar. halting place (for transported convicts); başlanğıc / ilk ~ initial stage; ~ lərlə by / in stages
i. 1. mercy, favour, charity, good deed, kindness; 2. pity; ~dən 1) out of charity; 2) out of pity (for); ~ etmək to do* a favour; to show mercy (to);
s. kind, good, well-wishing; gracious; magnanimous, generous; ~ ağa Sir; Dear Sir; ~ xanım Dear Madam; O, elə mərhəmətlidir ki
s. pitiless, merciless; (qəddar) ruthless, heartless, hard-hearted; ~ olmaq to be* merciless / pitiless
i. pitilessness, mercilessness, heartlessness, hard-heartedness, callousness
s. deceased, late; ~ kral the late king
i. 1. courtesy, civility, politeness; 2. erudition, accomplishments, knowledge, comprehension; ~ sahibi polite / well-bred / well-brought up man*
f. to become* polite / wellbred / courteous
s. polite, courteous, well-bred, wellbrought up; considerate; ~ olmaq to be* polite / courteous
i. politeness, courtesy; good breeding, good manners
I. s. rude, coarse; boar, churl, impolite, ill-bred; ~ söz rude word, coarse word; ~ olmaq to be* rude / impolite II
i. rudeness, ignorance; incivility; ill-breeding; ~ etmək to show* ignorance / rudeness
i. centre; ağırlıq ~i centre of gravity; fırlanma ~ i centre of rotation; ticarət ~i centre of trade; mədəniyyət ~i cultural centre; ölkənin / şəhərin
i. siya. centrist
i. centralism, siya. centrism
s. tex. centripetal; ~ qüvvə centripetal force
s. centrifugal; ~ qüvvəsi centrifugal force
s. central; ~ əsəb sistemi central nervous system; istilik qovşağı central heating; ~ bucaq riyaz. central angle; ~ telefon stansiyası central telepho
i. siya. centrism; centralism; demokratik ~ democratic centralism
i. centralist
i. bax mərkəziyyət