s. 1. effective; ~ metod effective method; 2. (i.s.) having a grandchild
I. s. 1. unsuccessful; vain; ineffective; 2. (i.s.) without a grandchild*, grandchildless II. z. in vain, to no purpose; without success
i. the state of being unsuccessful / ineffective
i. caress, endearment; kindness; ~ göstərmək to caress (d.), to give* a caress (to), to fondle (d.), to pet (d
s. bax nəvazişli
i. affability, affectionateness, tenderness, sweetness, kindness
z. affably, kindly, friendly
s. affable; affectionate, tender; ~ ev sahibi affable host / (qadın) hostess; ~ uşaq affectionate child; ~ baxış tender look
i. grandchild; (oğlan) grandson; (qız) granddaughter
i. grandchild* and great-grandchild*; descendants; progeny
s. (i.s.) having a grandchild*; (i.s.) having grandchildren
s. (i.s.) having grandchild* and great-grandchild*; ~ olmaq to live long, to live as long as to see one’s grand and great grand-child*
i. politeness, courtesy; tenderness; sweetness; delicacy; tact
z. politely; tactfully; courteously; tenderly; ~ danışmaq to speak* politely / courteously
s. polite, courteous; tactful; ~ oğlan a polite boy; ~ olmaq to be* polite / courteous
i. politeness, courtesy, civility
I. s. impolite; rude, tactless II. z. impolitely; rudely, tactlessly
z. bax nəzakətsiz II
i. impoliteness, incivility; rudeness, tactlessness
i. supervision; surveillance; control; ~ altında olmaq to be* under surveillance; sanitar ~i sanitary inspection; prokuror ~i the procurator’s supervi
i. controller, inspector, overseer; (teatrda, dəmir yolunda və s.) ticket-collector; supervisor; ~ olmaq to be* a controller / overseer / inspector /
i. the job of a controller / overseer / supervisor / ticket-collector
s. control; ~ komitə control committee; ~ rəqəmlər planned / scheduled figures
s. neglected; (uşaq) homeless; (i.s.) without control; ~ uşaq a `homeless child*
i. the state of being without control / supervision
z. attached to; diviziyanın ~ xəstəxana a hospital attached to a division
i. 1. look; gaze, stare; fixed look; (ani) glance; (təkidedici) glare; ~ salmaq to glance (at), to cast* a glance / to have a look (at); (ani tərzdə)
i. bax nəzər (1-ci mənada)
z. according to, in respect of, with regard to
I. s. theoretical; ~ tədqiqat theoretical research; ~ fizika theoretical physics; ~ qrammatika theoretical grammar; ~ elmlər theoretical sciences II
z. according to him, in smb.’s view
i. theory; ~ və praktika theory and practice; sosialist inqilabı ~si theory of socialist revolution; sinfi mübarizə ~si theory of class struggle; nisb
i. theorist
i. 1. din. alms, charity; thing vowed; ~ etmək to promise to give (as an alms); 2. money, clothes, food, etc given to poor people
i. bax nəzir
i. a poem written to resemble another poem in form and subject; imitative poem
i. author of an imitative poem
i. writing of imitative poems
i. poetry; versification; ~ə çəkmək to compose a poem, to make* verses
i. statutory price, price officially fixed; tariff; ~ qoymaq to fix the statutory price
i. assessor of statutory prices; valuer
i. assessment, valuation
i. rescuing, life-saving, escape; ~ vermək to save (d.), to rescue (d.); ~ tapmaq to be* saved, to find* rescue
i. redeemer; God
s. redeeming; saving
I. i. 1. exclamation; 2. qram. interjection II. s. exclamatory; ~ işarəsi exclamatory mark; mark of exclamation, note of exclamation; ~ cümləsi exclam
i. discord, dissension, disagreement; ~ toxumu seeds of discord; ◊ ~ toxumu səpmək to sow* (the seeds of) dissension; ~ salmaq to cause a quarrel, to
i. 1. dissenter; 2. one who causes quarrel / discord between people
i. 1. disgust; loathing; 2. hate, hatred, detestation, abhorrence; ~ bəsləmək to nurse / to nourish hatred; ~ etmək to hate (d