s. bax nifrətəlayiq
i. detestable, abominable, disgusting; ~ hərəkət detestable act; ~ hava abominable weather; ~ iy disgusting smell
s. (i.s.) worth hating, detestable, disgusting; ~ hərəkət detestable act / behaviour
z. contemptibly, disdainfully, scornfully, detestably
i. damnation; imprecation, malediction; curse; Nifrinlər olsun sizə! Damn you!
i. marriage-contract, marriage settlement; ~ kəsmək to register the marriage
f. to marry (d.)
f. to be* married
s. bax kəbinli
i. the state of being married
s. bax kəbinsiz I
i. the state of being without marriage
s. uneasy, anxious; troubled, worried; ~ olmaq / qalmaq to worry (about), to be* anxious / uneasy (about); ~ qoymaq to cause to be uneasy / anxious; ~
i. bax nigaranlıq
i. anxiety, uneasiness; nervousness; trouble; ~ keçirmək / çəkmək to worry (about), to be* anxious / uneasy (about)
I. i. nihilist II. s. nihilistic
z. as / like a nihilist
i. nihilism
I. i. optimist II. s. optimistic, sanguine; ~ adam optimist; a man of sanguine temper, hadisələrə ~ münasibət an optimistic view of events
z. optimistically, in an optimistic manner / way
z. bax nikbincə
f. to be* made optimistic / cheerful
f. to cause to become / to grow optimistic
f. to become* / to get* optimistic
i. optimism, sanguinity
I. i. nickel II. s. nickel-plated
f. to nickel (d.), to plate with nickel (d.)
f. to be*nickelled, to be* plated with nickel
s. nickelled; (i.s.) plated with nickel
I. i. nicotine II. s. (i.s.) of nicotine; ~ iyi smell of nicotine
i. bot. water-lily
i. bax boşqab
s. plate-shaped
s. shabby, threadbare, frayed; ~ kostyum shabby / threadbare suit
i. the quality of being shabby / threadbare
i. comparison; correlation
z. comparatively, in / by comparison, relatively
s. relative; ~ əvəzlik qram. relative pronoun; ~ sifət qram. relative adjective
i. relativity; ~ nəzəriyyəsi (theory of) relativity
i. bax nisbilik
i. languor; ~i olmaq, ~ çəkmək to languish
f. to languish
I. s. languishous, languishing, languorous; ~ baxış languishing look / glance; ~ qara gözlər languorous black eyes II
i. the state of being languorous
z. credit; ~ vermək to sell* smth. on credit; ~ almaq to buy* smth. on credit
i. 1. sign; (rəmz) token, symbol; mark; ~ almaq to take* aim (at); 2. target; ~a atmaq to shoot* at a target; ~ qoymaq to make* a mark; Onun heç bir n
i. shot; (əsgər) rifleman*; av. gunner; əla ~ expert shot / rifleman*; mahir ~ marksman*
i. the profession of a shot / a marksman*
i. 1. sign, mark; token; fərqləndirici ~lər distinctive marks; 2. symptom; zəhərlənmə ~ləri symptoms of poisoning
s. signed, marked