s. uncovered; open; bare; (i.s.) without a veil / a cover / a shawl / a kerchief
i. the state of being uncovered / without a cover
f. to close, to shut; to be* closed / shut / slammed; Qapı örtüldü The door (was) shut; Onun gözləri örtüldü His / Her eyes (were) shut; Pərdə örtüldü
s. 1. covered; wrapped up; concealed; shut; ~ bazar covered market; 2. ambiguous, equivocal; Örtülü bazar dostluğu pozar ≅ Never buy a pig in a poke /
i. bax örtük
s. bax örtüklü
s. bax örtüksüz
i. bax örtüksüzlük
f. to cover oneself, to veil oneself, to cover oneself with
i. pasture, (ümumi) common pasture; Naxır örüşdədir The cattle are on pasture
s. (i.s.) causing cough
i. cough; ~ tutmaq to have* a fit of coughing; pis / bərk ~ churchyard cough
f. 1. to cough; 2. (öskürəyi olmaq) to have* a cough; bərk / pis ~ to have* a bad cough
f. to cause smb. to cough
i. bax öskürək
f. to cough all together
s. ~ olmaq to excel (d. in), to surpass (d.), to be* better than; ~ olmaq to be* better, to excel; dostundan ~ olmaq to excel one’s friend; müəllimind
s. past, last, previous; ~ il last / previous year; ~ qış last / previous winter; ~ həftə past / last week
i. passerby (pl. passers-by)
I. s. bax ötəri I II. z. bax ötəri II
I. s. superficial; cursory; ~ bilik superficial knowledge; ~ yoxlama cursory inspection; ~ nəzər superficial glance II
z. quite superficially / cursorily
i. superficiality
s. 1. (çox yetişmiş) overripe; 2. (çox bişmiş) overcooked, overroasted; overdone
i. the quality of being overripe / overroasted / overcooked
I. s. 1. haughty, arrogant, supercileious; 2. bax hünərli II. z. 1. haughtily, arrogantly; 2. confidently, with confidence; ~ danışmaq to speak* with
i. 1. haughtiness, arrogance; 2. bax hünərlilik
f. 1. to outdistance (d.), to leave* behind (d.); (qaçmaqda) to outrun* (d.); (yeriməkdə) to outwalk (d
qoş. for, because of, on account of; səndən ~ for you; Tomdan ~ for Tom; nahardan ~ for dinner; avtobusdan ~ for thebus; vətəndən ~ for one’s country;
f. to overtake* and surpass (d.), to leave* behind (d.); (atla) to outgallop (d.)
z. 1. passing smth. to one another; 2. the name of a kind of game
fi. pass, an act of passing
f. 1. to see* (d.), to see* off (d.); döngəyə qədər ~ to see* as far as the corner; bir kəsi evə ~ to see* smb
I. i. 1. guide, conductor; 2. fiz. conductor II. s. fiz. conductive; ~ metal conductive metal
i. conductivity, conductance; misin ötürülücüyü the conductivity of copper
f. 1. to be* seen off; 2. to be* passed; 3. to be* omitted / missed
f. to race (d.); to cause to run a race (against)
fi. id. race; avtomobil / velosiped ~si motor / cycle race; qayıq ~si boat race
f. 1. to race, to take* part in a race; 2. to manage (with), to do* (with), to make* (with); 3. to get* right / settled, to be* in a fair way; 4
f. to rub (d.), to massage (d.), to give* a massage (to); özünü ~ to rub oneself; gözünü ~ to rub one’s eyes; üzünü ~ to rub one’s face; əllərini ~ to
f. to be* rubbed / massaged, to give* a massage (to)
f. bax övkələtmək
f. to ask / to cause s.o. to rub (d.) / to massage (d.)
i. child*; descendant; ~ı olmaq to give* birth to a to child*; to have* a child
i. philoprogenitiveness
s. (i.s.) having a child; ~ olmaq to have* a child*
i. the state of having a child*
s. bax övladsevən
i. bax övladcanlılıq
s. philoprogenitive, fond of one’s child