f. to become* broken / smashed to pieces; to become* / to get* shattered
f. bax parçalanmaq
f. to ask / to force smb. to break / to shatter (d.) to pieces
f. bax parçalatdırmaq
i. polish; burnish; yaxşı ~ a high polish
i. polisher; burnisher; döşəmə ~sı a floor polisher
f. to polish (d.); to burnish (d.); şüşəni ~ to polish glass; mebeli ~ to polish the furniture
f. to become* polished / burnished
f. to ask / to force smb. to polish (d.)
f. bax pardaqlatdırmaq
s. polishing; ~ dəzgah polishing machine; buffing machine
f. to shine*; to sparkle; to twinkle; to glitter; (qamaşdırıcı) to glare; Günəş altında qar (almaz kimi) parıldayır The snow glitters (like diamonds)
f. to twinkle, to shimmer; Ulduzlar dumanın arasından parıldaşırdı The stars shimmered through the mist; Böyük şəhərin işıqları uzaqdan parıldaşırdı T
f. 1. to add / to give lustre to smth.; to throw* / to shed* lustre on smth. 2. to polish (d.)
i. lustre, brilliance, brilliancy, glitter, gloss, twinkling, shimmering; günəşin ~sı brilliance / brightness of the sun; poladın ~sı glitter of steel
i. wig; ~ qoymaq / geymək to wig, to wear* a wig
i. 1. park; mədəniyyət və istirahət ~ı Park of Culture and Rest, Recreation Park; ~ salmaq to lay* out a park; 2
I. i. parquet II. s.: ~ pərçimi parquet-block; ~ döşəmə parquet-floor, parquetry
i. parquet-floor layer
f. to parquet (d.); otağı ~ to parquet a room
f. to be* parqueted
f. bax parketlətmək
f. to ask / to cause smb. to parquet (d.); to have* (d.) parqueted
s. bright; (alov) blazing; (rəng) gaudy; məc. striking; brilliant; ~ işıq bright light; ~ rəng bright colour; ~ nümunə striking example; ~ istedad bri
f. to add lustre (to); to throw* / to shed* lustre (on)
i. brightnees; lustre, brilliance, brilliancy; şöhrətin parlaqlığı lustre of one’s fame; ulduzların parlaqlığı the brightness of stars; lampanın parla
f. bax parıldamaq
I. i. parliament; Britaniya ~i the British Parliament II. s. parliament; parliamentary; ~ qanunu Act of Parliament; ~ iclası meeting of parliament; ~
i. parliamentarism
i. parliamentarian
s. parliamentary; ~ quruluş parliamentary system
f. bax parıldatmaq
I. i. steamer; (orta həcmli) steamboard; dəniz ~u steamship; okean ~u ocean-liner; sərnişin ~u passenger-ship; liner; yedək ~u steam-tug II
i. steam navigation; (idarə) steamship line
i. password, parole, countersign, watchword
I. i. engine, steam-engine, railway engine; amer. locomotive; manevr ~u shunting engine II. s. engine, steamengine, railway engine; amer
s. engine-building; ~ zavod engine-building works; amer. locomotive works
fi. engine-building
i. engine-driver; amer. locomotive-driver; engineer
i. (partiya bileti) party membership card, party card
i. (partiya bürosu) party bureau
i. teatr. the pit; (qabaq cərgələr) the stalls pl
f. to utter a strong sound as a result of burst
i. crash, roar, thunder; artilleriyanın ~sı the roar of guns, crash of artillery; the thunder of cannon
I. i. 1. party; siyasi ~ lar political parties; ~ ya mənsub olmaq to belong to a party; 2. (müəyyən miqdar mal) party; Biz bir partiya ayaqqabı aldıq
i. member of the party; O partiyaçıdır He is a member of the party
i. 1. (partiya mənsub olma) party-membership; 2. (elm. və ədəb.) party spirit, party principle; elm, fəlsəfə və s
I. i. non-party man*; non-party woman*, non-party people II. s. non-party; ~ şəxs non-party person
i. the state of being non-party / non-party member
I. i. partisan, guer(r)illa; qırmızı ~ Red partisan II. s. partisan; ~ müharibəsi partisan / guer(r)illa warfare; ~dəstəsi partisan / guer(r)illa deta