i. bax ödənmə
fi. compensation, indemnification, reimbursement, paying off, clearing off
f. to be* compensated / indemnified / reimbursed; Sizin xərcləriniz ödəniləcək You will be reimbursed for the expenses
f. to ask / to cause smb. to compensate / to indemnify / to reimburse
f. bax ödətdirmək
i. anat. gall-bladder, bile cyst
i. anat. lung
s. step; ~ ana stepmother; ~ ata stepfather; ~ qız stepdaughter; ~ oğul stepson; ~ bacı stepsister; ~ qardaş stepbrother; ~ uşaq stepchild; ~ valideyn
i. the state of being related not by blood but by parent who has remarried
i. obligation, engagement; commitment; responsibility; bir kəsin ~sində olmaq to be* smb.’s responsibility, to be* smb
i. one who loads himself with responsibility, the person who undertakes to do smth
i. obligation, engagement, undertaking; commitment; ~ götürmək to undertake* an engagement; öhdəçiliyi yerinə yetirmək to fulfil one’s pledge, to meet
I. i. bull; (burulmuş) ox; (pl. oxen); qoşqu ~ü draught ox; ~ kimi işləmək to work like a slave; ~ kimi güclü as strong as a horse II
f. to ask / to cause s.o. to measure (d.); bir kəsin hərarətini / qızdırmasını ~ to ask / to cause s
f. bax ölçdürmək
f. to measure (d.); dərinliyi ~ to sound (d.), to fathom (d.), to plumb (d.); bir kəsin hərarətini ~ to take smb
I. i. 1. measure; uzunluq ~sü linear measure; səth ~sü square measure; maye ~sü liquid measure; Saat vaxt ölcüsüdür An hour is a measure of time; 2
i. bax ölçü I
f. 1. to be* turned over in one’s mind, to be* decided after full consideration / planned carefully; 2
f. to turn over in one’s mind, to decide after full consideration, to plan carefully (d.); to act wisely; to think* smth
s. measuring; ~ cihaz measuring instrument
f. to be* measured; (dərinlik) to be* sounded / plumbed
s. bax ölçüyəgəlməz
i. immeasurability, immensity
s. 1. measured; 2. moderate, well-balanced
s. measured; ~ sözlər measured words
f. 1. to be* turned over in one’s mind, to be* decided after full consideration, to be* planned carefully; 2
I. s. measureless, limitless, too great; boundless, infinite II. z. infinitely, limitlessly, beyond all measures
i. the state or quality of being measureless / limitless / boundless
s. measurable; ~ məsafə measurable distance
s. 1. immeasurable, countless, (dərinlik) fathomless; dənizin ~ dərinliyi fathomless depths of the sea; ~ sahə / məkan immeasurable space; ~ miqdar co
f. to kill (d.); to murder (d.); (siyasi motivə görə) to assassinate (d.); adam ~ to kill a man*, tülkü ~ to kill a fox; Dərd məni öldürür Grief is ki
f. to ask / to cause s.o. to kill (d.); (siyasi motivə görə) to ask / to cause s.o. to assassinate (d
f. bax öldürtdürmək
s. killing, murderous, fatal, mortal; ~ şaxta killing frost; ~ yara mortal wound; ~ zərbə fatal / mortal / murderous blow / stroke
f. to be* killed; (qəsdən) to be* murdered; (siyasi motivə görə) to be* assassinated
z. hardly, with difficulty; bir işi ~ etmək to do* some job with difficulty
s. 1. dead (-ened); numb; tib. necrotic, half dead; 2. sickly, puny; apathetic; weak, unhealthy-looking; (bitki) undergrown
f. to cause smb. to become / to grow sickly / puny / weak; (bitki) to cause smth. to become undergrown / to get withered
f. 1. to become* sickly / puny / stunted / apathetic; 2. (bitki) to become* withered / undergrown
i. languor, inertia, apathy, listlessness; (əzələ) flabbiness
i. land, country; bütün ~də all over the country; doğma ~ native land; bizim ~də in our country; asılı ~ dependent country; müstəmləkə ~ləri colonial
i. regional ethnographer
I. i. regional ethnography, country study II. s. regional; ~ muzeyi museum of regional ethnography
f. to die; to fade, to wither, to lose* freshness; to suffer great grief or anxiety; to pass away, to be* dead; (hiss və s
s. 1. worth dying; O ölməlidir He / She is worth dying; 2. evil, wicked
s. immortal, undying, unfading, deathless; ~ şöhrət deathless / immortal fame; ~ şərəf undying / unfading glory
i. immortality; Nizami poeziyasının ölməzliyi The immortality of Nizami’s poetry
s. dead; faded, defunct; ~ adam a dead man*; ~ xala defunct aunt; ~ bitki a dead plant; ~ məhəbbət dead love; ~ iş a dead matter; ~ fikir / ideya a de
I. i. corpse, dead man*, dead body, the deceased, the defunct; ~lər və dirilər the dead and the living II