i. powder
f. to powder (d.)
f. to powder (oneself), to powder one’s face, to use powder
s. powdered; (i.s.) covered with powder; ~ üz powdered face
i. money; kağız ~ paper money; nəğd ~ ready money; cash; xırda ~ (small) change; ~ qazanmaq to earn / to make* money
I. i. money-lover II. s. money-loving; greedy of / for money; ~ adam money-loving person
i. greediness of / for money
i. scale; balığın pulçuğu fish’s scale
s. scaly; ~ balıq scaly fish
s. scaleless; ~ balıq scaleless fish
i. scaliness
i. machine-gun; əl ~u light machine-gun
i. machine-gunner
f. to grow* rich, to become* rich, to earn a lot of / much money
s. 1. (müxt. mənalarda) rich; (i.s.) having much money; 2. paying; ~ şagird (pulla oxuyan) paying pupil
i. the state of having much / a lot of money, the state of being man* of means
I. s. 1. moneyless; 2. free of charge; free; ~ bilet free ticket; ~ təhsil free education II. z. free of charge; gratis; ~ oxumaq to study free of cha
i. shortage / lack of money; impecuniosity, impecuniousness
i. ambush; ~da durmaq to lie* in ambush, to lie* in wait; ~ düzəltmək to make* / to lay* an ambush
f. 1. (ov zamanı) to lie* in wait (for); 2. (xəfiyyə haq.) to spy (d.), to shadow (d.); to make* an ambush, to watch (d
i. pass; sanatoriyaya getmək üçün ~ sifariş etmək to apply for accomodation in a sanatorium; ◊ həyat ~sı a start in life
f. bax üfürmək
f. bax üfürülmək
f. bax üfürtmək
s. perfect, experienced, wise, sage, mature
f. bax püxtələşmək
f. to mature (d.), to perfect (d.), to make* perfect (d.)
f. to become* perfect / experienced, to get* matured; Onun xarakteri püxtələşib His / Her character has matured
f. bax püxtələtmək
f. to ask / to cause s.o. to mature (d.), to perfect (d.)
i. 1. perfection, maturation; 2. experience
I. s. bax gizli I II. z. bax gizli II
i. secrecy, intimacy
s. dark coloured; ~ çay strong tea
i. the quality of being strong (of tea) / dark coloured
fi. (vulkan haq.) eruption
f. (vulkan haq.) to erupt, to be* in eruption
f. to cause smth. to erupt / to be in eruption
i. bax püskürmə
I. i. bot. pistachio II. s. bot. pistachio;: ~ ağacı pistachio tree
i. pistachio grove
s. pistachio-coloured; ~ yaşıl (rəng) green pistachio
i. lot; (həm də məc.) fate, destiny; ~ atmaq to throw* / to cast* lots pl.; ~ çəkmək to draw* lots pl
R, r the 24th letter of the Azerbaijani alphabet
i. 1. tie, bond, link, connection; 2. communication; məntiqi ~ logical connection; sıx ~ yaratmaq to establish close links (with); teleqraf ~si telegr
i. 1. communications engineer, postal and telecommunications worker; 2. hərb. signaller, signalman*
i. 1. the profession of a postal and telecommunications worker; 2. hərb. the profession of a signaller / a signalman*
f. to be* tied together / connected
fi. tying together; binding; connecting (d. with)