I. i. 1. news, a piece of news, tidings pl., (məlumat) information; qara ~ bad* news; ~ almaq 1) to ask (d
i. any news / information
z. without information / news
i. gossiper, tale-teller, tale-bearer; informer; (məktəb jarqonu) sneak; telltale (tell-tale) d.d. stag
i. denunciation (of), information (against)
s. versed (in), conversant (with), well-informed (about); learned; erudite, possessed of information; Xəbərdar! Caution!
i. 1. warning, caution, notice; 2. notification, information; rəsmi ~ formal notice; ~ vermək to give* a warning; xəbərdarlığı nəzərə almaq to take* w
f. to inform / notify one another, to keep* one another informed
z. 1. uninformed, ill-informed, unaware (of); unconversant (with); 2. without news / information
i. lack of information / news
I. i. nasty, too bad*, wicked, loathsome; Kişi onun gözündə xəbis bir adama çevrildi The man became loathsome to her; O, mənə qarşı xəbis idi He / She
f. to become* nasty / bad* / wicked / loathsome / vicious
i. abomination, loathsomeness, nastiness, villiany
i. shame; confusion, embarrassment; blush; ~ çəkməmək to lose* all sense of shame; ~dən ölmək to burn* / to flush / to blush with shame; ~ çəkmədən wi
f. to be* ashamed / embarrassed / confused
s. shameful; ashamed, embarrassed; ~ olmaq to be* obliged / bound to do smth., to be* in debt (to), to be* under obligation (to)
i. bashfulness, shyness, embarrassment
s. bax xəcalətli
i. bax xəcalət
s. impotent
i. bax xadimə
I. i. closeness, stuffy air; oppressive heat II. s. close, sultry, stuffy; ~ gün close / sultry day; ~ otaq close / stuffy room; ~ hava close air
f. to prevent air from coming in; samovarı ~ to close the penetrating of air into the Samovar
f. to be* prevented from coming in / from penetrating into (of air)
I. i. oven-door for the Samovar II. i. tib. emphysema
s. quiet; low, silent, still, soft, gentle; faint, smooth; light; ~ hərəkət gentle / smooth movement; ~ səs mellow soft sound; ~ külək light wind; çay
z. softly, gently; qapını ~ açmaq to open the door softly
i. secret agent; secret police
i. detective; police spy
i. dust; powder; small crumbles; kömür ~sü coal-dust; qızıl ~si gold dust; qənd ~si sugar powder
i. scoop; (zibil və toz üçün) dustpan; a small shovel for the dust
i. sieve; bolt; ◊ başı ~ kimi olmaq (yadında heç bir şey qalmamaq) to have* a head / a memory like a sieve
f. to sift (d.), to sieve (d.), to bolt (d.)
f. to be* sifted / bolted
f. to ask / to cause smb. to sift (d.) / to bolt (d.); to have* (d.) sifted / bolted
f. bax xəlbirlətdirmək
i. 1. follower; bu nəzəriyyənin ~ləri the followers of the doctrine; 2. family, son; xalqının ~i son of his people; öz zəmanəsinin ~i child of his tim
i. damage; loss; detriment; prejudice; ~ gətirmək to cause / to do* damage (to), to damage (d.); to harm (d
i. 1. (evdə) dressing-gown; (çiməndən sonra geyinilən) bathrobe; 2. (şərqdə) oriental robe; 3. (fəhlələr üçün) overall; həkim ~i doctor’s smock; (cərr
i. 1. material fit for dressing gown; 2. anything fit for a present
i. caliph
i. tar. caliphate; ◊ bir saatliq ~ ≅ king for a day
i. creation, making, creature, being; top.i. creatures; insanın ~ olunmasından bəri since the creation of the people; ~ etmək to create (d
i. national character, national roots, folk character; ədəbiyyatda ~ the national character in literature
I. s. secret; (gizli) covert, veiled; ~ görüş secret meeting; ~ kəbin secret / clandestine marriage; ~ tipoqrafiya clandestine / underground / secret
z. bax xəlvət II
i. 1. secret place; lonely / retired / secluded place; 2. harem; 3. bedroom; 4. prayer-room
i. bax xəlvətgah
s. d.d. on the quiet, on the sly, in secret, quietly, covert, veiledly; altdan-altdan ~ gülmək to laugh in one’s sleeve; ~ baxış covert glance
f. to find* a suitable time or place to speak / to meet secretly