i. registry office; civil registrar’s office
i. hall; (sarayda) presence-chamber; (evdə) reception-room; mühazirə ~ı lecture-hall; oxu ~ı reading-hall, reading-room; rəqs ~ı dancing-hall, ball-ro
I. i. cruel man* / person; (zülmkar) oppressor, despot, tyrant II. s. cruel; brutal; ruthless, hard-hearted; (zülmkar) despotic, tyrannical, tyrannous
z. cruelly; (ədalətsizcəsinə) unfairly, unjustly; (zülmkarcasına) tyrannically
i. cruelty; brutality; ruthlessness; (zülmkarlıq) tyranny, despotism, oppression; ~ etmək to be* cruel (to); to be* tyrant (to), to tyrannize (over)
i. 1. (vaxt) time; bir ~ at one time, some time or other, some day; o ~ at that time; eyni ~da at the same time; o ~dan (bəri) since then, since that
z. at times, from time to time, (every) now and then, now and again
i. putty; pəncərəyə ~ çəkmək to putty the window
f. to putty (d.)
f. to be* puttied
f. to have* smth. puttied up; to make* smb. putty (d.)
s. puttied; (i.s.) with putty
i. hüq. bail, guarantor, voucher; surety; ~ə verilə bilən bailable; ~ə götürülən şəxs guarantee; ~ ilə on bail; ~ ilə azad etmək to set* free / to rel
i. bail, guarantor; voucher, warrantor, warranter; surety; bir kəsə ~ olmaq to stand* surety for smb
i. bax zaminlik
i. bail, guarantee, warranty
i. suede, chamois (leather), shammy; ~ əlcəklər suede gloves
i. bot. lily; su ~ğı water lily; ağ ~ Easter lily; qırmızı ~ tiger lily
i. (manjet üçün) cuff-link, (yaxalıq üçün) stud, collarbutton
I. i. sob; moan, groan; ~ olmaq to be* bored (with), to be* annoyed; ~a gətirmək to bother (d.), to annoy (d
z.: ~ ağlamaq to sob violently, to weep* / to cry bitterly
i. 1. joke; jest; fun; ~ bir yana joking apart; ~ üçün in jest, for fun; Zarafat deyil ... Sənə zarafat gəlməsin
i. bax zarafatyana
z. bax zarafatyana
s. bax zarafatçı II
i. bax zarafatçılıq
I. i. joker, jester, wag II. s. joky; prankish, humorous, playful; jocular
i. jokiness; prankishness, playfulness
f. to joke with each other, to jest with each other
z. without joke / joking, joking apart; seriously
z. jokingly, in joke; for fun, in jest; O, bunu zarafatyana dedi He said it in joke
f. 1. (inildəmək) to moan, to groan; to whimper; 2. (ağlamaq) to sob, to weep* / to cry bitterly
f. 1. (ağlatmaq) to make* smb. sob / cry bitterly; 2. (inildətmək) to weep* / cry bitterly
i. 1. moan, groan; whimper; 2. (ağlama) sob, sobbing, weeping bitterly
f. bax zarıldamaq
i. frontier post
i. kin, family; origin; ~ına bələd olmaq, ~ını tanımaq to know* smb’s kin / family / origin; Zatına lənət! Damn / curse him / her
z. essentially, in essence, in fact, actually, virtually; indeed; Hamı onu yaxşı adam hesab edirdi, zatən də belə idi Everybody considered him to be a
I. i. d.d. reprobate, pilferer, swindler II. s. d.d. 1. (nanəcib) ignoble, dishonourable; indecent; ~ adam ignoble person / man*; 2
i. d.d. ignobleness, indecency; untrustworthiness
i. Excellency, Highness; Zati-alinizə minnətdarıq We are grateful to your Excellency / Your Highness
i. 1. (möhnət, bəla) calamity, disaster, adversity, misfortune; (xətər, ziyan) harm, damage, hurt; (qorxu) dread, fear; 2
I. i. poor thing II. s. poor; unhappy, miserable; ~ oğlan a poor fellow / boy / thing; ~ qız a poor girl / thing
i. unhappiness, miserableness; poorness
s. happy, lucky; successful
i. plant, mill, factory, works; avtomobil ~u motor / automobile plant; hərbi ~ munition factory; maşınqayırma ~u machine-building plant; neft ayırma ~
I. i. defective goods pl., rejects pl., spoilage; throw-outs pl. II. s. 1. (xarab) spoilt, gone bad, defective; (mənəviyyatca) depraved, corrupt; 2
i. zool. zebra
i. zool. zebu