i. the absence of fodder / forage
I. i. grey-eyed woman* / girl II. s. grey-eyed
s. bax alagöz II
s. d.d. another, particular, special
I. i. weed; alaq etmək / vurmaq to weed (d.), to weed out (d.); alaq basmaq to be* overgrown with weeds, to be* weed grown II
i. zool. siskin
i. 1. arch; 2. bax darvaza
I. i. 1. (axşam çağı / vaxtı) dusk, semi-darkness, twilight; 2. (səhər lap tezdən) dawn, day-break II
i. zool. crow
I. s. half-starved; alaqarın olmaq to be* half-starved, to eat not enough II. z.: alaqarın yemək to eat* little, to eat* not enough
i. bax alaqvuran
i. the job of a weeder
i. k.t. hoe, mattock
f. to weed (d.), to hoe (d.); bağı alaqlamaq to weed the garden
f. to be* weeded, to be* weedgrown
s. weedy; alaqlı bağ a weedy garden; alaqlı tarla weedy / weedgrown field
i. brushwood, weeds pl., weedy place
i. weediness
i. weed
s. weedless, alaqsız olmaq to be* weedless
i. the state of being weedless
i. rainbow
i. weeder
I. f. k.t. to be* grown with weeds, to become* weedy; Bağ alalanıb The garden is overgrown with weeds II
I. s. bax alaqlı II. s. (dərisində ağ ləkə olan) (i.s.) with albinism, (i.s.) having albinism
I. i. bax alaqlıq II. i. tib. albinism
i. 1. recipient; 2. d.d. (rüşvət) bribetaker; amer. grafter
I. i. a horse (or other animals) with white spots on the thigh II. s. skewbald, piebald
s. half-witted, weak-minded, weakheaded
i. weak-mindedness, half-wittedness, weak-headedness
i. bax yabı
i. regiment hərbi-hava ~ı air regiment; (İngiltərədə) group (in air forces)
z. regiment by regiment; regiment after regiment
I. i. (meyvə) cherries pl. II. s. cherry; ~ ağacı cherry (-tree); ~ bağı cherry orchard; ~ çiçəyi cherry blossom; ~ mürəbbəsi cherry preserve / jam
i. cherry orchard; cherry grove
I. i. albanian II. s. albanian; ~ dili Albanian, the Albanian language
z. Albanian; ~ danışmaq to speak* Albanian; ~ yazmaq to write (in) Albanian
i. zool. albatross
i. biol. albinism
i. albino (pl.-os)
i. album
i. albukhara (a special sort of dried plum)
I. i. alycha, cherry-plum II. s. cherryplum; ~ ağacı cherry-plum tree
I. i. rascal, scoundrel, villian II. s. 1. (müxt. mənalarda) low: ~ divar / körpü / hasar / şkaf və s
s. shortish, undersized; stunted
s. bax alçaqboy
z. meanly, basely, scoundrelly
s. low heeled; ~ ayaqqabı low heeled shoes
s. bax alçaqdaban
f. to make* low (d.) / short (d.)