i. 1. name; ad vermək / qoymaq to name (d.); Uşağın adını Cavid qoydular They named the baby Javid; ad çıxarmaq to leave* a name of oneself; yaxşı ad
i. glory, fame, reputation; ad-san qazanmaq / çıxarmaq to become* famous / well-known / popular; bir kəsə ad-san qazandırmaq to bring* fame to smb; pi
i. island; şair. isle
top.i. weeds, weedery
i. islet
i. bot. sage
i. zool. rabbit
i. engagement, betrothal; ~ etmək to engage, to betroth; bir kəsə ~ edilmək to be engaged / betrothed to smb
fi. betrothal
f. to betroth (to); Onu kiçik yaşında mənim bacıma adaxla dılar He was betrothed to my sister at an early age
f. bax adaxlamaq
f. to be* betrothed (to); bir kəsə ~ to betroth oneself to smb.; O, kiçik yaşında adaxlandı He / She was betrothed at an early age
I. i. betrothed’ O, (qız) öz adaxlısı ilə gəlib She has come with her betrothed; (oğlan) fiance; (qız) fiancee; Sara Cavidin adaxlısıdır Sara is Javid
i. a secret meeting of the betrothed pair; adaxlıbazlığa getmək to go* to see one’s fiancee secretly
i. the state of being betrothed
i. mus. adagio
i. 1. first steps of a child 2. bax adax
z. slowly, gradually; adaq-adaq getmək to go* step by step / slowly
i. 1. (adada yaşayan) islander; 2. (çoxlu ada olan yer) (i.s.) with islands
i. man*; person; adi ~ an ordinary / average man; dahi adam an eminent person; alim adam an erudite person; işgüzar adam a businessman; a practical /
i. swindler, cheat, trickster
i. an ugly person, ugly duck ling
i. ugliness, being very ugly
s. bax insanabənzər
s. sociable, amiable; adamayovuşan adam a sociable man*
s. unsociable; adama yovuşmaz adam unsociable person; adamayovuşmaz olmaq to keep* oneself to oneself
i. unsociability
z. per capita, per head, per man; adambaşı beş manat five manats per head / per man; Adambaşına nə qədər? How much per head? adambaşı süd istehsalı pr
z. bax adambaşı
s. as tall / high as a man
I. s. humane; adamcasına rəftar humane treatment II. z. humanely, as a man, like a man, in a manlike manner / way
i. bax adamcıq
i. little fellow (one who has no authority / power at all)
s. bax adamyeyən
i. bax adamyeyənlik
s. misanthrope; unsociable, self-contained
I. i. fool, jester, man of motley, a jocular person II. s. witty, playful, jocular
s. bot. mandrake, mandragora
i. humaneness, humanity; adamlıq etmək to act humanely
i. mocker, scoffer
i. (kişi) traitor, betrayer; (qadın) traitress
i. treachery, betrayal, perfidy, perfidiousness
s. humanist, benevolent; kind
i. man-hater, misanthrope
i. misanthropy, hatred of mankind
s. 1. (arxasız, qohum-qardaşsız) unprotected, (i.s.) having no supporter, (i.s.) having no relation / relative; 2
i. loneliness; defencelessness, the state of being without support
i. physionomist (one who can realize one’s character)
z. manly, humanely, like a man
I. i. cannibal; man-eater II. s. cannibalistic; man-eating; adamyeyən qəbilə cannibalistic tribe