I. i. distance; interval, space, break, pause; Bakı ilə Sumqayıtın ~sı the distance between Baku and Sumgait; iki ağacın ~sı interval between two tree
z. bax arabir II
I. i. waggon; amer. wagon; (kiçik, əsasən ikitəkərli) cart; kəl ~sı bullock cart; əl ~sı hand-cart; uşaq ~sı perambulator; pram; amer
i. small cart, little cart / waggon; (oyuncaq) toy cart
i. waggonner; amer. wagoner; carter, cart-man*; ~ olmaq to be* a carter / a wagonner
i. carter’s trade; ~ etmək to work as a carter / waggonner; to be* a carter / wagonner
i. waggon-maker; cart-maker
I. s. occasional; seldom; ~ atışma occa sional shots; O mənə arabir baş çəkir He / She pays me an occasional visit II
i. bax aradüzəldən
i. mediation
z. 1. during the break / interval; 2. rarely, occasionally, at times
i. 1. (işi qaydasına salan) meditator, intermediary; (danışıqda) nego tiator, go-between; 2. (komisyonçu) middle man; 3
i. (kişi) sorcerer, wise man; quack (-doctor); (qadın) sorceress, wise woman*; quack
i. sorcery, quackery
i. 1. partition; 2. screen; açılıbyığılan ~ folding screen
s. (i.s.) with partition, (i.s.) having partition
I. i. vodka; bibər arağı pepper-brandy II. s. vodka; ~ zavodu vodka distillery
i. alcoholic drinks
i. bax aravuran
i. washer, gasket, padding
i. distiller
I. fi. distillation II. s. ~ zavodu distillery
i. bax araqçəkən
i. skull-cap
s. (i.s.) having / wearing a skull-cap
s. provocative ~ nitq a provocative speech
fi. 1. separation; 2. demarcation, delimitation
f. 1. to separate (d.), to part (d.), to disjoin (d.); 2. (elektrik) to disconnect (d.), to break (d
s. ~ masa / stol extension-table, leaf-table; ~ pərdə (teatrda və s.) draw curtain
f. to move / to slide* apart (d.); to pull / to draw* apart (d.); pərdəni ~ to draw* the curtain back
f. 1. to move / to slide* apart; Pərdə aralandı The curtain was drawn back; 2. to move away / off, to leave, to pull out; to depart from; sahildən ~ t
f. 1. to be* / to get* dis jointed; 2. (dalaşanlar) to be* separated / parted
f. 1. to disjoint (d.); 2. (dalaşanları) to be* separated (d.), to part (d.)
f. 1. to go* away, to become* dis jointed; to part, to separate; to drift apart; Onlar dost kimi aralaşdılar They parted friends; 2
f. 1. to cause smb. to move apart (d.) / to slide apart (d.); 2. to cause smb. to move away (d.); to force smb
I. s. 1. half-opened, semi-open, (qapı) ajar, not quite closed, slightly open; 2. (ağac, diş) thin, spare; ~ dişlər widely spaced teeth II
I. i. interval, space, span; middle, midst; ~da qalmaq to be* neglected; to be* homeless / shelterless II
i. calm, quiet, pause
z. bax aramla
f. bax axtarmaq
z. calmly, quietly, gently, softly; ~ danışmaq to speak slowly / in a low voice; to speak in hushed / low tones ~ yerimək to walk gently / slowly / wi
s. quiet, calm, tranquil; patient; ~ olmaq to be* quiet / calm
I. s. 1. (narahat) restless; ~ adam a restless man*; 2. (arası kəsilmədən) continuous, uninterrupted, constant, without break; incessant; ~ yağışlar i
i. 1. restlessness, uneasiness; 2. impa tience
z. bax aramsız II
I. i. lowland, low-lying lands II. s. ~ yerləri low-lying lands; ~ əhalisi the population of low-lying lands
i. lowlander