i. bax aşpazxana
i. bax aşpazlıq
i. dining-room, eating-house
I. i. culinary; ~ sənəti art of cook ery / cooking II. s. ~ sənəti art of cookery / cooking
i. bax aş II
f. to seethe (with), to boil up; to buzz with excitement
f. 1. to have* a lot, to have* plentiful; 2. to boil up, to seethe (with); Kütlənin nifrəti aşıb-daşırdı The hatred of the mass is seething / boiling
i. mus. bax aşıq I
i. 1. (simli musiqi alətlərində) tuning peg 2. ashug (Caucasian folk poet and singer) 3. knuckle-bone; aşığı alçı durmaq ~ to be* very lucky, to have*
i. ~ oynamaq to play knucklebones
I. i. the profession of ashug; ~ etmək to be* an ashug II. i. anat. ankle
z. like / as an ashug; ~ oxumaq to sing like an ashug
f. to tan (d.)
f. to be* tanned
fs. tanned; ~ dəri / gön tanned leather
f. to have* (d.) tanned, to cause / to ask smb. to tan (d.)
f. bax aşılatdırmaq
I. i. tanning agent, tanning II. s. tanning; ~ maddə tanning agent
i. the profession of a tanner
s. tanned; ~ dəri / gön tanned leather
s. insuperable, insurmountable; ~ hündürlük insuperable height: ~ maneə insurmountable barrier / obstacle
s. caustic; ~ soda caustic soda
i. causticity
f. geol. 1. to be* weathered; to be* eaten away; 2. (turşu ilə) to be* corroded
f. 1. geol. to weather (d.); 2. (turşu ilə) to corrode (d.) Turşu metalı aşındırır Acid causes metal to corrode
fi. 1. tex. etching; 2. geol. weathering; 3. erosion; torpaq ~sı soil erosion
f. 1. tex. to become* / to get* etched; 2. geol. to weather; to be weathered; 3. (paslanmaq) to be* eaten away, to become* / to get* corroded
i. tex. wear and tear-aşırı part of compound words having the meaning every other, such as günaşırı every other day, həftəaşırı every other week; səti
f. 1. to be*thrown over; 2. to overturn, to tip over; (gəmi) to capsize; Qayıq aşırıldı The boat overturned / tipped over / capsized; Stol aşırıldı Th
i. 1. (dağ keçidi) pass; 2. mem. bay; (körpüdə) span, bridge span
s. 1. (i.s.) with passes; 2. (i.s.) with bays; (körpüdə) (i.s.) with spans
i. braces, amer. suspenders
f. 1. to throw over (d.); çiynindən ~ to fling over one’s shoulder (d.); qıçını qıçının üstünə ~ to cross one’s legs; 2
s. 1) ~ körpü foot-bridge; ~ təqvim loose-leaf calendar; 2) ~ şalvar trousers with braces / suspenders
f. bax aşırmaq
s. not tanned; ~ dəri not tanned skin
i. the state or quality of being not tanned
s. bax aşkar I
I. i. lover; ~ olmaq to be* in love (with), to fall* in love (with); həqiqi ~ true lover; zavallı ~ unfortunate lover; ~ində olmaq to be* eager (for);
I. i. lovers, loving couple II. s. love, amorous
i. the state of being in love with each other; ~ etmək to love each other
I. s. love, amorous; loving; ~ məktub love-letter; ~ baxış loving glance, amorous glance; ~ lirika love lyrics II
i. bax aşiqlik
z. lovingly, amorously
i. the state of being in love
i. bax aşna
i. bax aşnalıq
I. s. 1. clear, distinct; ~ yaxşılaşma distinct improvement; 2. evident, obvious; ~ narazılıq evident / obvious displeasure; ~ dəlil / fakt obvious fa
z. quite clearly / evidently / obviously / distinctly; ~ görmək to see* quite distinctly / clearly
z. bax aşkarca