i. mal. letter of credit
i. accumulation
I. i. accumulator II. s.: akkumulyator batareyası storage battery
i. 1. (adam) acrobat; 2. (peşə) acrobatics
s. acrobatic
i. acrobatics
i. tar. acropolis
i. tib. (yeniyetmə haq.) early developer, maturer
i. tex. accelerator
i. accent aksentlə danışmaq to speak* with an accent
i. accentology
i. axiom
s. axiomatic
i. axioms pl., axiomatic bases
I. i. shareholder, stockholder II. s. joint-stock, aksioner cəmiyyəti joint-stock company; aksioner kapitalı share-capital, joint-stock
i. share; d.d. stock; Aksiyalar qalxır (bahalanır) shares go up; Aksiyalar enir (ucuzlaşır) Shares go down, Shares give way; aksiya ilə al-ver stock j
I. i. 1. (hərəkət) act; 2. hüq. deed; ittiham aktı (bill of) indictment; 3. (sənəd) statement; akt bağlamaq to draw* up a statement (of the case), to
I. i. the most active members pl.; partiya aktivi the most active members of the Party organization, the Party activists pl
i. activization, stirring up
s. activating; aktivləşdirici maddə activating substance / matter
f. to be* made more active, to be* livened up
fi. activation
f. to activate (d.); to make* more active (d.), to stir up (d.), to stir to activity (d.); kütləni aktivləşdirmək to stir the masses to greater activi
f. to become* more active, to liven up
i. activity; siyasi aktivlik political activity; kütlələrin siyasi aktivliyi political activity of the masses
i. actress; məşhur aktrisa a celebrated / popular actress; komik aktrisa comic actress, comedienne; tragik aktrisa tragic actress, tragedienne; kiçik
i. the profession of an actress; aktrisalıq etmək 1) to be* an actress, to work as an actress; 2) məc
s. urgent, topical, pressing; aktual problem urgent / pressing problem, a problem of to-day; aktual məsələ urgent / pressing question; aktual iş topic
i. urgency; topicality
I. i. actor; komik aktyor comic actor, comedian; tragik aktyor tragic actor, trage dian; məşhur aktyor famous / popular actor; kiçik rollarda çıxış ed
i. the profession of an actor; aktyorluq etmək 1) to be* an actor, to work as an actor; 2) məc. to act as an actor, to make* fool of himself
s. acoustic
i. acoustics
i. aqualung
i. skin-diver; amer. scuba diver
i. 1. water-colour; 2. (şəkillər) water-colours pl.; akvarel rəng watercolour; akvarellə çəkmək to paint in water-colours; akvarellə çəkilmiş portret
i. water-colour painter
i. aquarium (pl. -iums, -ia)
i. (defined) area of water
i. miner. agat (qiymətli daş)
i. the future; Aqibətin xeyir olsun! Success attend you, Be happy!
s. (i.s.) having the future
i. the state of having the future
s. (i.s.) having no future
i. the state of being futureless
I. i. sage, an old wise man II. s. sage, wise, clever; sensible
z. wisely, reasonably, sensibly; sagely
i. wisdom, the quality of being wise / sage
i. dilç. agglutination
s. dilç. agglutinative; aqqlütinativ dillər agglutinative languages