i. cannibalism, cannibality
i. adaptor, adapter; mus. pick-up
i. namesake; adamyeyən olmaq to be* namesake, to have* the same name; O, mənim adaşımdır He / She is my name sake
i. the state of having the same name, the state of being namesake
z. name by name; ~ çağırmaq to roll call (d.)
I. s. not regular, seldom II. z. now here, now there; not regularly
f. to step over (d.), to overstep (d.); to cross (d.); sərhədi addamaq to cross the frontier; məc. to overstep the limits, to pass all bounds; düşmən
f. to carry (d.), to transfer (d.); bir şeyi bir yerdən başqa yerə addamaq to carry / to transfer smth
i. step; inamlı addım resolute / firm step; inamlı addımla with resolute step; addım atmaq 1) to step; 2) to walk, (iri addımlarla) to stride; (yavaş
z. step by step, gradually
z. step by step, in the tracks, bir kəsin dalınca addımbaaddım getmək to follow smb. in the tracks
z. often, frequently, at every step
f. 1. to begin* to walk; 2. to stride, to march; 3. (ölçmək) to measure by steps
f. bax addımlatmaq
f. to ask / to cause smb. to step
s. tex. walking, dragline; addımlayan ekskavator walking excavator, dragline excavator
i. (used after numerals to show distance) beş addımlayan məsafə five steps away; beş addımlayanda at five steps
i. pedometer
Adəm i. Adam (the first man on the Earth)
i. 1. habit; adətin gücü force of habit; bir şeyi adət üzrə etmək to do* smth. from mere habit; adət etmək to grow* / to get* into habit; adəti tərk e
z. bax adətən
s. not customary, not habitual; unusual, uncommon; Burada adətdənkənar bir şey yoxdur There is nothing unusual in that
z. (adət üzrə) habitually, as a habit; customarily, according to custom; usually, as usual
s. accustomed (to); adətkərdə olmaq to become* accustomed (to), to get* into a strong habit
s. (i.s.) without habit / custom; (i.s.) without tradition / rite
s. lost, forgotten
s. dishonest, disgraced
s. unknown, not known / po pular
i. Thursday
s. 1. ordinary, usual, 2. common, commonplace, plain; adi adam(lar) ordinary people; adi ərzaq plain food; adi ölüm ordinary mortal; adi gözlə with th
z. simply; adi yaşamaq to live simply; adi danışmaq to speak* simply
s. just, fair; adi hakim a just judge; adi adam a just man; adi qanun a just law; adi olmaq to be* just; adi qərar fair decision
i. justice, fairness
i. bax adqoyma
i. 1. name-day; 2. naming
f. to be* named / called / termed
f. to name (d.), to call (d.), to give* the name (to d.)
f. to be* called / named; Bu necə adlanır? What is it called?
s. 1. famous, celebrated, notable; 2. by name; Əli adlı bir kişi vardı There was a man by name Ali
s. famous, celebrated, well-known; adlıq alim a well-known / famous scientist; adlı-sanlı nəsildən olmaq to come* of good kin
s. qram. nominative; adlıq hal nominative case
I. i. admiral II. s. admiral’s; admiral gəmisi admiral’s flagship
i. the admiralty
s. 1. nameless, (i.s.) without name; 2. (imzasız) anonymous; ad-san məktub anonymous letter; 3. bax adsız-sansız; ad-san barmaq fourth finger, (sol əl
s. not well-known, obscure, unpopular ad-san adam obscure man; ad-san nəsildən olmaq to come* of bad / unpopular kin
i. bax vəkil
i. bax vəkillik
i. aide-de-camp (fr.) (pl. aides-de-camp), adjutant; amer. aide
i. aerobomb
i. aerodrome