i. albukhara (a special sort of dried plum)
I. i. alycha, cherry-plum II. s. cherryplum; ~ ağacı cherry-plum tree
I. i. rascal, scoundrel, villian II. s. 1. (müxt. mənalarda) low: ~ divar / körpü / hasar / şkaf və s
s. shortish, undersized; stunted
s. bax alçaqboy
z. meanly, basely, scoundrelly
s. low heeled; ~ ayaqqabı low heeled shoes
s. bax alçaqdaban
f. to make* low (d.) / short (d.)
f. to get* / to become* low, to grow* short
f. bax alçaqlandırmaq
f. bax alçaqlanmaq
i. baseness, meanness, lowness; Bu onun tərəfindən alçaqlıqdır It is mean of him / her
s. bax alçaqtavanlı
s. low-ceilinged; (i.s.) of low ceiling; ~ otaq low-ceilinged room, a room of low ceiling
s. 1. dilç. falling; ~ ton falling tone; 2. descending; ~ xətlə in a descending line
s. humiliating; ~ şərait humiliating situation
i. humiliation, insulting, insult, abasement
f. 1. (aşağı endirilmək) to be* lowered / reduced; to be* brought down; 2. (təhqir edilmək) to be* humiliated / abased
i. cherry-plum grove
fi. humiliation, abasement
f. 1. to fall* / to go* down; to be little 2. məc. to abase oneself, to stoop (to)
f. to lower (d.), to abase (d.), to humiliate (d.); özünü ~ to lower / to abase oneself; səsini ~ to lower one’s voice; tavanı ~ to lower the ceilings
s. deceptive, delusive; ~ hava decep tive weather; ~ sakitlik deceptive quiet; Xarici görkəm çox vaxt aldadıcı olur Appearances are often deceptive; ~
i. deceitfulness, delusiveness
f. 1. to be* deceived; 2. (tamahlandırılmaq) to be* seduced
f. bax aldadılmaq
i. bax aldanma
i. error, delusion
f. 1. to be* deceived; 2. (tamahdan) to be* tempted / enticed; 3. (səhv etmək) to be* mistaken, to make* a mistake
i. deception, trickery
f. 1. to deceive (d.); (fırıldaq gəlmək) to swindle (d.); 2. (tamahlandırmaq) to entice (d.+to inf.), to tempt (d
i. kim. aldehyde
i. 1. substitution (of smth. false for smth. real); 2. wrong; ~ salmaq 1) to mix up (d. with), to confuse (d
f. to ask / to force smb. to buy (d.)
f. bax aldırmaq
i. alabaster
i. miner. alexandrite (qiymətli daş)
i. 1. (dünya) world; bütün ~də all over the world, the world over, in the whole world; 2. (sahə) world, kingdom; elm ~i the scientific world; mənəvi ~
I. i. 1. tool, implement, instrument; əmək ~ləri tools; istehsal ~ləri implements / instruments of production; dəqiq ~lər precision instruments; kənd
i. toolmaker
i. purchase, buying
I. i. buying and selling II. s. buying and selling; ~ müqaviləsi buying and selling contract
fi. deception, trickery, fraud
f. to deceive (d.); to swindle (d.)
fi. resale, speculation, profiteering
f. to speculate (in)
i. alıb-verəcəyi olmamaq to have* no connection / relation; Mənim onunla heç bir alıb-verəcəyim yoxdur I have no connection with him / her
I. i. buyer, purchaser II. s. 1. reception; ~ məntəqə reception centre; 2. (cəld) rapid, quick; 3. (yırtıcı) wild; ~ quş beast / bird of prey