s. whitish, off-white
i. bot. buckthorn
i. 1. embrace; arms pl.; bir kəsin ağuşuna atılmaq to throw* oneself into smb.’s arms, to fall* into smb
s. 1. bax ağsifət; 2. (i.s.) with clean conscience
s. white-mane
s. bax ağyal
s. whitish-faced
I. i. day-dreamer; gawk, gawky II. s. 1. uncovered, not cov ered, (i.s.) without lid; 2. məc. gawky
i. gawkiness; heedlessness
s. unanimous; ağzıbir olmaq to be* unanimous, to keep* together
i. unanimity
I. i. prattler, chatterbox, one who can’t keep secrets II. s. long-tongued, indis creet, talkative
i. indiscretion, garrulity, garrulous ness; talkativeness
s. (i.s.) able to keep secrets
i. capability of keeping secrets
s. bax ağzıbütöv
i. bax ağzıbütövlük
s. bax ağzıboş II
i. bax ağzıboşluq
s. 1. (i.s.) with a crooked / twisted mouth; 2. məc.: ağzıəyri olmaq to be* on bad terms, to be* not on speaking terms, to be* displeased
I. i. məc. prattler, tittle-tattle II. s. məc. talkative, garrulous
i. talkativeness, garrulousness
s. arrogant, insolent, haughty
i. arrogance, insolence, presumption
s. garrulous, talkative; (sirr saxlaya bilməyən) indiscreet; d.d. blabbing
i. garrulity, talkativeness; indiscretion
s. bax ağzısöyüşlü II
i. bax ağzısöyüşlülük
s. influential, authoritative; ağzı kəsərli olmaq to be* influential / authoritative
i. authoritativeness, the state of being influential
i. bax canavar
s. bax ağzıgöyçək
i. bax ağzıgöyçəklik
I. i. d.d. irresolute person, humble person II. s. d.d. irresolute; humble
i. irresolution; humbleness
I. i. rebald, foul-mouthed man* II. s. rude, ill-bred, bad-mannered, illman nered
i. ribaldry, foul language
I. i. ribald / foul-mouthed man* II. s. ill-bred, ill-mannered; (i.s.) using bad / foul language
s.: ağzıyava olmaq to use bad / foul language
s. bax ağzolaqlı
s. white-striped; (i.s.) with white stripes
nid. ah, oh; ah çəkmək to exclaim; (təəssüf etmək) to sigh; to gasp with
I. i. cry, yell, howl, scream; ürəkdən ah-aman etmək to cry from the heart / from the bottom of the heart II
i. yell, howl, scream; ah-əfqan etmək to yell, to howl, to scream
i. bax fəryad