f. bax ağlatmaq
f. to cause smb. to cry / to weep
z. crying, weeping; ağlayaağlaya danışmaq to cry / to weep and to speak at the same time
fs. crying, weeping; ağlayan uşaq crying child
f. to beg; to complain (of)
f. to cry permanently / constantly, whine, whimper
s. little, very young; ağlıkəsməz uşaq little child
i. whiteness, the quality of being white
i. a plump / chubby girl
i. chubby, plump, quite white
i. wallow
fi. wallowing
f. to wallow; to fall* / to roll over and over
f. to wallow together
f. to move / to let* smth. down
i. 1. pain, ache; (qəflətən və kəskin) pang; böyür ağrısı stitch; baş ağrısı headache; diş ağrısı toothache; ürək ağrısı ilə with a heavy heart; 2
i. 1. (yorğunluq) tiredness, weariness, fatigue; 2. (ağrı) pain, ailment
I. s. bax ağrısız-acısız I II. z. bax ağrısız-acısız II
s. painful; ağrıdıcı kəsik a painful cut; ağrıdıcı yara a painful wound
i. painfulness
I. i. pain-killer, soothing / sedative drug, sedative II. s. soothing, sedative, analgetic
s. bax ağrıkəsən II
s. painful; ağrılı yara painful wound
f. 1. (ağrı hiss etmək) to ache, to hurt*, to have* a pain; Sizin haranız ağrıyır? Where have you a pain? Onun ayağı ağrıyır His / Her foot hurts; Onu
I. s. painless; (həm də məc.) smooth; ağrısız metod tib. painless method II. z. painlessly; smoothly; məc
I. s. painless, smooth; (i.s.) without pain; II. z. painlessly, smoothly; without difficulties
s. bax keyidici
f. bax keyitmək
i. the state of being painless
f. 1. (incitmək) to cause pain (d.); 2. (yaralamaq) to wound (d.); to sting (d.)
s. bax ağrıdıcı
s. painful; sore, aching, hurting; ağrıyan diz hurting knee; ağrıyan boğaz hurting throat
s. white-haired, grey-headed, greyhaired
s. bax ağsaç
i. 1. grey-beard; 2. (yaşlı və hörmətli şəxs) elder, one who has authority; 3. a respected person, the leader of the tribe, a respected man in the fam
i. 1. (qocalıq) old age; 2. (rəhbərlik, böyüklük) leadership; ağsaqqal etmək 1) to lead* (d.), to guide (d
s. white-faced
i. bot. white willow
i. bot. silver fir
s. whitish, off-white
i. bot. buckthorn
i. 1. embrace; arms pl.; bir kəsin ağuşuna atılmaq to throw* oneself into smb.’s arms, to fall* into smb
s. 1. bax ağsifət; 2. (i.s.) with clean conscience
s. white-mane
s. bax ağyal
s. whitish-faced
I. i. day-dreamer; gawk, gawky II. s. 1. uncovered, not cov ered, (i.s.) without lid; 2. məc. gawky
i. gawkiness; heedlessness
s. unanimous; ağzıbir olmaq to be* unanimous, to keep* together
i. unanimity