f. to be* picked / gathered / plucked
I. s. deep; profound; ~ kədər deep sorrow; ~ yara a deep wound; ~ qab şkafı a deep cupboard; ~ yuxu deep / a profound sleep; ~ sükut profound / perfec
z. bax dərin II
s. profound; ~ mütəfəkkir a profound thinker
i. profoundity, insight; depth of thought
s. bax dərindüşüncəli
i. bax dərindüşüncəlilik
f. 1. to deepen (d.), to make* deeper (d.); qanovu ~ to deepen the ditch, to make* the ditch deeper; 2
f. to deepen, to become deeper; məc. to become* more profound / intensified; Ziddiyətlər dərinləşdi The contradictions became intensified
f. bax dərinləşdirmək
i. depth; məc. (fikir, bilik və s.) inten sity, profundity; gölün (çayın, dənizin və s.) dərinliyi the depth of the lake (river, sea, etc
i. depth-gauge
s. 1. pachydermatous; ~ heyvan pachyderm; 2. məc. thick-skinned; unfeeling, case-hardened, insensitive
s. black-skinned
i.: ~ etmək 1) to get* to know (d.), to perceive (d.); fəls. to cognize, to take* cognize of; təbiətin qanunlarını ~ etmək to perceive the laws of nat
s. inconceivable, incomprehensible, inscrutable
i. incomprehensibility, inscrutability
i. understanding, comprehension; fəls. cognition
i. instructions pl.; ~ qoymaq to append instructions (on an application, report, etc.)
I. i. medicine; öskürək ~ı cough medicine; ~ yazamaq to prescribe a medicine; ~ qəbul etmək to take* medicine; ~ etmək to treat medically; ~ hazırlama
i. pharmaceutical chemist
f. to treat with a mordant (d.); tex. to pickle (d.), to dip (d.); (ağacı) to stain (d.), to sprinkle / to spray with disinfectant
f. 1. to be* treated with a mordant; 2. tex. to be* pickled; to be* sprin kled / sprayed with disinfectant; 3
f. bax dərmanlatmaq
f. 1. to ask / to cause smb. to treat (d.) with a mordant; 2. tex. to ask / to cause smb. to pickle (d
s. (i.s.) mixed with medicine
s. (i.s.) without medicine
i. lack of medicine, absence of medicine
f. to pick (d.), to pluck (d.), to gather (d.); giləmeyvə, çiçək və s. ~ to pick / to gather berries, flowers, etc
i. circle, study group, hobby group; ingilis dili dərnəyi English circle; tarix dərnəyi history circle
i. clannishness
i. mind, intellect, cleverness
s. clever, bright, quick-witted, reasonable
i. cleverness, brightness, quickwittedness
s. unreasonable, slow-witted, unwise, foolish
i. unreasonableness, foolishness, slow-wittedness
I. i. (həm müst. həm də məc.) lesson; ~ vermək / aparmaq to give* / to conduct a lesson; ~ demək to teach* (d
i. textbook; manual; (birinci siniflər üçün) primer, ABC book; fizika / kimya və s. course / manual of physics / chemistry; textbook on physics / on c
i. sea, ocean; ◊ ~da balıq sövdəsi ≅ castles in the air
i. reservoir, storage pond / pool
i. scythe; ~ı taptamaq / döymək to whet a scythe
f. to scythe (d.)
f. to be* scythed
f. bax dəryazlatmaq
f. to ask / to cause smb. to scythe (d.)
i. sheaf* (pl. sheaves)
i. sheaf-binder
I. i. tailor; (qadın) dressmaker II. s. tailor’s; ~ emalatxanası tailor’s (shop)
i. tailor’s (shop)
i. the profession of a tailor / dressmaker; ~ etmək to be* a tailor; (qadın) to be a dressmaker