f. bax dumanlandırmaq
s. misty, foggy, hazy; obscure; ~ hava foggy weather; ~ dağ misty / hazy mountain; ~ səhər misty morning; ~ gün foggy day; ~ xatirə misty memory; ~ ni
i. 1. mist; (qatı) fog, fogginess; 2. haziness, obscurity; vagueness; 3. astr. nebula (pl. nebulae or nebulas)
i. bax dumanlıq
s. (i.s.) without fog / mist, clear (of sky)
i. the state of being without fog / mist
i. drum; ~ çalmaq to play the drum
i. 1. drumstick; 2. məc. d.d. very thin legs
i. drummer, drum player
i. bax dumbulçalan
i. the profession of a drummer
I. i. slow-witted person, blockhead II. s. slow (-witted); ~ arvad a dense woman*, a slow-witted woman*
bağ. while; Çay dura-dura su içmə Don’t drink water while there is tea
i. bax dayanacaq
i. binocular(s) (pl.), pair of glasses; səhra ~i field-glass(es) (pl.); teatr ~i opera-glasses pl
s. with binoculars, (i.s.) having binoc ulars
I. i. pause, interval II. s.: ~ işarələri qram. punctuation, punctuation marks
s. stagnant, immovable, motionless, still; ~ su stagnant water; ~ hava still air; ~ olmaq to be* stagnant
I. i. 1. stagnation, standstill, stagnacy; depression; sənaye durğunluğu indus trial stagnation / standstill; ticarətdə ~ depression in trade; 2
f. 1. (yuxudan) to wake* (d.), to awaken (d.), to call (d.); Məni saat yeddidə durğuzun Call me at seven o’clock; 2
z. bax dayanmadan
f. 1. to stand*; ayağa ~ (həm müst., həm də məc.) to stand* on one’s feet; dizi üstə ~ to kneel*; barmağının ucunda ~ to stand* on one’s tip-toe; növb
I. i. crane II. s. crane (attr.); ~ balası young crane; ~ qatarı train of cranes, flock of cranes
i. pike
s. long-necked
s. bax durnagözlü
s. (i.s.) with beautiful and limpid eyes
s. 1. limpid, pure; ~ su pure / limpid water; 2. (xörək) thin, watery; ~ şorba watery soup; ~ sıyıq thin porridge; 3
f. oturub-durmaq
fi. bewilderment, perplexity
f. to falter; to hesitate, to give* a puzzled look, to be* in perplexity; O, bir müddət duruxdu və bir qərar qəbul edə bilmədi He / She faltered for a
f. bax duruxmaq
f. 1. (təmizləmək) to clear out (d.); 2. (ayırd etmək) to clear up (d.), to elucidate (d.)
f. 1. (təmizlənmək) to be* cleared out; 2. (ayırd edilmək) to be* cleared up / elucidated
f. 1. to be* cleared; (sifət haq.) to be* brightened up; 2. (suyultmaq) to be* made watery / thin
fs. 1. cleared out; 2. thinned, made watery
fi. 1. dilution, thinning (out), rarefaction; 2. making limpid / clear
f. 1. to make* limpid (d.); 2. (su və s. qatmaqla) to dilute (d.), to thin (d.)
f. 1. to become* limpid / pure; 2. (suyulmaq) to become* / to get* thin (watery)
I. i. settling / sedimentation II. s. settling, precipitating; ~ çən settling / precipitation tank
f. bax durulaşmaq
i. 1. (şəffaflıq) limpidity; clearness; 2. (sıyıqlıq) the quality of being thin / watery
I. i. stableness, firmness, determination, steadfastness, staunchness; ~ nümayiş etdirmək to display fortitude / determination II
s. 1. firm; steadfast, steady, staunch, stanch; ~ özül firm foundation; ~ baxış steadfast gaze; ~ sürət steady speed; ~ dost staunch friend; 2
i. 1. nutritiousness; 2. bax durum I
s. 1. unstable, nonpersistent; ~ qaz kim., hərb. non-persistent gas; 2. (yemək) insubstantial, innutrious; ~ yemək insubstantial meal
i. 1. the quality of being unstable / non-persistent; 2. (yemək) the quality of being insubstantial / innutrious
i. bearing, carriage, pose, posture; məğrur ~ proud bearing / carriage / pose; qəribə ~ strange pose
i. way of behaving, manner, behaviour; duruşunu-oturuşunu bilmək to be* on / upon one’s behaviour, to behave (oneself); Duruşuna-oturuşuna fikir ver!