i. fiction writer; novelist
s. fictional; aya səyahət haqqında ~ hekayə a fictional account of a journey to the moon
i. fiction
f. to spade (d.); bağ ~ to spade a garden
f. to be* spaded
f. bellətmək
f. to ask / to cause smb. to spade (d.); bağı ~ to ask / to cause smb. to spade the garden, to have* the garden spaded
I. i. Byelorussian II. s. Byelorussian; ~ dili Byelorussian, the Byelorussian language
z. Byelorussian; ~ danışmaq to speak* Byelorussian
i. teatr. lower boxes pl
i. teatr. benefit performance
I. i. benzine; (avtomobil üçün) petrol; amer. gasoline, gasolene, gas II. s. petrol, gasoline; ~ bakı petrol tank; amer
i. (avtomobil) gasoline tanker, tank truck
i. petrol gauge; amer. gasolinegauge
i. 1. (xüsusi avtomobil) petrol tanker, fuelling lorry; 2. refueller
i. kim. benzol
i. (tüfəng növü) Berdan rifle
i. beret
s. (i.s.) with a beret on, (i.s.) wearing a beret
i. zool. golden eagle
sy. five; ~ kitab five books; ~ uşaq five children
z. in fives; İçəri beş-beş gəlin Come in in fives
i. rifle having five charges
s. (i.s.) for five persons
s. 1. (müddət) of five months; lasting five months; five-month; ~ müddətdə in five months (time); within five months (time); 2
s.: ~ sistem (təhsildə) five-mark grading system
i. knuckle-duster; amer. brass knuckles
s. five fingered; (i.s.) having five fingers
s. five-domed; five-headed
s. much, far, much / far worse; Sən məndən beşbətərsən You are much / far worse than me
z. in fives; ~ gəzmək to walk in fives
s. (şer) pentameter
i. riyaz. pentagon
s. five-cornered, pentagonal; five-pointed; ~ ulduz five-pointed star
əd. only five, just five
s. five-row
s. five-volume
i. edition in five volumes; fivevolume edition
s. (i.s.) of five minutes; fiveminute; ~ tənəffüs a break / an interval of five minutes, five-minute break / interval
z. ~ tutmaq / yapışmaq to grasp greed ily (d.)
s. five-per cent
s. bax beşgözlü
s.: ~ mənzil five-room flat
i. bax beşkünc I
s. bax beşkünc II
I. i. five-day week II. s. (i.s.) of five days; five-day; ~ istirahət a rest of five days; five-day rest; ~ müddətdə in / within five days
s. dilç. pentasyllabic; ~ söz pentasyllable
s. five-week; five-week old
I. i. cradle; ◊ ~dən qəbrə qədər from the cradle to the grave II. s. cradle; ~ mahnısı (layla) lullaby
I. i. 1. fifth anniversary; 2. (plan) five-year plan II. s. 1. (müddət) (i.s.) of five years; five-year; 2