qoş. along; çay ~ along the river; küçə ~ along the street
I. i. 1. yoke; 2. məc. oppression, yoke, burden; ◊ ~dan azad olmaq to cast / to throw* off the yoke; ~ altında under the yoke of; müstəmləkə boyunduru
i. to yoke (d.); Öküzləri boyunduruqla Yoke the oxen together
f. to be* yoked
i. to ask / cause smb. to yoke (d.)
s. 1. (i.s.) being under the yoke (of beast of burden); 2. oppressed (of a man)
i. collar; (əsas boyunluğun üstündən qoyulan) undercollar
I. tib. tetter, manage, herpes; ~ düşmək tetter II. s. 1. grey (gray); dull, colourless; ~ rəng grey colour; ~ at grey horse; ~ canavar grey wolf; ~ p
s. bax boztəhər
i. bax qızarıb-bozarmaq
i. 1. to grey, to turn grey; 2. (hava) to become* gloomy / dull; 3. to lose* colour, to fade, to grow* dim; bir kəsin üzünə ~ to cheek smb
i. 1. grey / gray colour; 2. smth. seeming grey (in the distance)
i. 1. to make* grey (d.), to make* colourless (d.), to cause smth. to lose its colour; 2. (əti) to boil; ət ~ to boil meat; sifətini ~ to get* angry,
i. the last month of winter
i. an Azerbaijani dish made of chopped meat, pea, potatoes mixed with some spices
s. turbid; troubled; ~ çay (axar) turbid river; ~ su troubled water
i. 1. grey colour; dull; 2. placewithout greengrass and tress; 3. məc. rudeness, cheekiness, impudence, insolence
s. greyish, light grey
i. the state or quality of being greyish
i. bax boztəhərlik
s. bax boztəhərlik
s. grey-cheecked
i. bax cücü
i. (müxt. mənalarda) crisis (pl. -es), depression; iqtisadi ~ economic crisis; siyasi ~ political crisis; ticarət ~ı sales crisis; kapitalizmin ümumi
s. critical; ~ illər the years of crisis; ~ vəziyyət critical situation; ~ dövr crit ical time
i. slander, calumny, aspersion; (mətbuatda) libel; bir kəsə ~ atmaq to cast* aspersions on smb.; ~ atmaq to calumniate (d
I. i. slanderer, calumniator, vilifier II. s. slanderous, calumnious, defamatory; ~ adam slanderous person
i. calumniation, calumny
i. 1. riyaz. divisor; ən böyük ümumi ~ the greatest common divisor / factor; 2. distributor
i. 1. division; (əmlakın bölgüsü) partition, distribution; 2. scale; termometrin ~sü scale of a thermometer; əmək ~sü division of labour
I. i. 1. (kitabda və s.) part, section; 2. hərb. company; rabitə ~si signal company; amer. communication company; 3
i. 1. to divide (between, among); öz aralarında ~ to divide (d.) between / among themselves; hissələrə / qruplara ~ to divide into parts / groups; onu
I. i. distributor II. s. distributive
i. 1. heaps (of) pl., a lot of; crowd; group; cluster; bir ~ tamaşaçı a cluster of spectators; bir ~ uşaq a crowd of children; bir ~ adam heaps of peo
z.: ~ etmək to smash into smithereens (d.); to divide into parts / groups; ~ olmaq to be* broken to pieces; (təyyarə və s
I. i. riyaz. dividend II. s. divisible; ~ ədəd a divisible number
fi. 1. divisibility; materiyanın ~si divisibility of matter; 2. distribution; kitabların ~si distribution of books; 3
i. 1. to be* divided into / by; to divide, to break into; Yeddi ikiyə bölünməz Seven will not divide into / by two; 2
i. divisibility
s. indivisible, unshared; ◊ ~ fond indivisible fund; non-distributable fund; ~ ədədlər prime numbers; ~ dərd / kədər unshared sorrow
i. indivisibility
i. to divide (d.), to distribute (between, among) (d.)
I. i. distributor II. s. distributive; ~ taxta / şit tex. switchboard
fi. division; əməyin ~si division of labour
i. to be* divided / distributed (between, among)
fi. distribution